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Extra Extra Read All About It: Hugi Online

category: general [glöplog]
OK, I've now removed most of the email links - with some exceptions:
1. links to my own email address
2. links to email addresses of people I know they've published their email address somewhere else on the web
3. links to email addresses in which the author asked people to contact him (including news items)
added on the 2006-08-21 18:53:22 by Adok Adok
I wonder how people don't have enough with Magic's constant spamming about Hugi...

maybe they actually just have enough already.
added on the 2006-08-21 19:09:05 by keops keops
Keops: your not being fair here..
This isnt spamming and you know it..

I wonder how people can actually take you serious
with your constant not so nice comments..

Pitty you react like this..


added on the 2006-08-21 19:18:12 by magic magic
Ok, let's check here.


Now, let's check -
Does this pass the 'bulkiness' test? Why, yes, yes it does. I not only got a message about this here, I got it in IRC, I got it on Bitfellas, I got it in my Livejournal (THREE TIMES), I got it on Scene News Network, and I got it in EMAIL. That's pretty much not only the definition of 'passing the bulkiness test,' it's 'passing the bulkiness test while ADVERTISING about how it has successfully passed the goddamn bulkiness test.'
Did I ask for more Hugi information? No, no, I specifically have asked NOT TO GET ANY MORE.
Is it advertising? Why, yes, yes it is.


Your constant spewing unsolicited advertising over every available method fits the very DEFINITION of spam. You also fit the spammers PROFILE, that is, the CONSTANT DENIAL OF DOING ANYTHING WRONG.

People have asked nicely. They have DEMANDED that you stop. WE DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANY FUCKING MORE ABOUT GODDAMNED HUGI.

We know there will be another Hugi. We also know there will be another TBL demo, someday. There will be an MFX demo. There will be another Farbraush demo. THEY DO NOT USE EVERY AVAILABLE MEANS TO TELL US THIS, REPEATEDLY, INCESSANTLY, AND WITH NO GODDAMN REMORSE.

Hell, you're not even fucking CREATIVE. Back in the day, Gravevine did it's advertising of the next issue with 'grapevine headlines' - actual intros that advertised it. If you used THAT method, and released it, people might consider it an interesting method of gaining their attention. But NO, WE HAVE TO READ 4 ARTICLES ON THIS BBS A FUCKING MONTH ABOUT IT.

Jeenio SCREAMED at you to stop. I posted a very POINTED message to Adok in my Livejournal about it. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN VERY NICE ABOUT IT BEFORE, and I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT. STOP THE GODDAMN SPAMMING.


OK? Did I make my point? Let's check. Are you about to tell me it's not spam? THEN I DIDN'T MAKE MY POINT, REREAD AND UNDERSTAND. WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS SPAMMING. It doesn't matter if it's spamming for a good cause, it's STILL SPAM. It's ANNOYING. ANNOYING AS FUCK!


(I don't know why I'm posting this, I can't even IMAGINE this is going to sink in.)
Stelthz: To increase font size, just use ctrl and mouse scroll wheel, or ctrl and +/- in Firefox. Works in many other applications too...
Since pouet bbs is used by dozens of people to announce a website, party etc..
I will ignore T |
not so nice comment ;-)
added on the 2006-08-21 20:21:33 by magic magic
Since pouet bbs is used by dozens of people to announce a website

Yes, people are interested in those.
added on the 2006-08-21 20:27:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
I not only got a message about this here, I got it in IRC, I got it on Bitfellas, I got it in my Livejournal (THREE TIMES), I got it on Scene News Network, and I got it in EMAIL

Gargaj pretty much summarized it...
added on the 2006-08-21 20:36:07 by keops keops
Truck, not Gargaj :)
added on the 2006-08-21 20:45:02 by keops keops
I have nothing more to say.. People with an open mind can see right trough your not so nice comments..

You guys arnt objective and without prejudice ;)

If you cant take it, get rid of your internet connection.. :-)

End of line.. :D
added on the 2006-08-21 20:50:52 by magic magic
WHAT about being a spammer makes their brain so fucking DELUDED?
haha, relax truck, we are all on your side :) they do it on purpose to fuck with your mind!

let's just ignore it and it will go away...
added on the 2006-08-21 21:24:09 by okkie okkie
Yeah, there's one thing I don't really get:

Threads like these soon enough become a "one moron against the rest of the world" flamefest, or in the case of Hugi a "three morons against the rest of the world" (Adok, Magic, EP). Basically EVERYONE else is telling them to STFU, and still they're thinking they are in the right.

Now, perhaps I'm still (despite being horribly gawth, blah yadda) too optimistic for this universe, but if you're really, REALLY alone with your opinion and everyone else first tries to make you understand and then shut you up...

... wouldn't it be, like, intelligent human behaviour to ask oneself if just perhaps, theoretically, due to some weird accident in quantum mechanics, it's YOURSELF who's wrong and perhaps the others are right? Especially when even people you (expressly) respect are "against" you?

And even if not, even if it's really true that you're so much better and so much above all those puny "arguments" and "logic" us mere mortals desperately try to come up with - why bother? Why care about us lost sheeps, those lowlifes which obviously haven't seen the light and aren't able to grasp the divine truth?

Oh wait - yeah, Adok already said it: At least he acts this way deliberately out of some really sophisticated plan that's too complex for non-Mensa-members to understand.

And I must admit: At least I don't. If I may summarize Adok's three-step plan to whatever:

Step 1: Act like a jerk and piss off everyone
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

I mean - WTF. Seriously.
added on the 2006-08-21 21:25:55 by kb_ kb_
You guys arnt objective and without prejudice ;)

and this is fucking classic coming from magic
added on the 2006-08-21 21:26:07 by okkie okkie
Oh wait - yeah, Adok already said it: At least he acts this way deliberately out of some really sophisticated plan that's too complex for non-Mensa-members to understand.

Finally a reason why noone likes Hugi. We're not in level.
added on the 2006-08-21 22:04:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
when i read of hugi i feel degraded to consumer.

^ fucking classics galore
added on the 2006-08-22 08:50:27 by rmeht rmeht
kb_: To put it short: You're jealous. :-)

Finally a reason why noone likes Hugi. We're not in level.
I clearly see your statement is ironical.

I just wonder why even people who would qualify for Mensa membership themselves are jealous of me (or at least pretend to be jealous)?

Ah, and I'm not spamming. Most of the time, I'm just drawing associations. There are so many things that remind me of "Hugi", and I'm inclined to point this out every time. Sorry for that, but that's me.
added on the 2006-08-22 11:03:44 by Adok Adok
adok: to put it short: you´re insane. :-(
added on the 2006-08-22 11:13:03 by 4kum4 4kum4
what is kb supposed to be jealous of? I didn't get it (because I lost my IQ on the toilet or something).
added on the 2006-08-22 11:29:18 by Axel Axel

Oh wait - yeah, Adok already said it: At least he acts this way deliberately out of some really sophisticated plan that's too complex for non-Mensa-members to understand.
Which is funny since kb_ himself scores high enough on IQ tests to fulfil all the requirements for joining Mensa.
added on the 2006-08-22 11:44:29 by Adok Adok
it did not answer my question though.
added on the 2006-08-22 11:57:59 by Axel Axel
Adok: Being able to join Mensa does not automaticly make you WANT to join Mensa.
added on the 2006-08-22 12:06:35 by kusma kusma
it did not answer my question though.
I don't claim to know Tammo well enough, so I can only guess. I believe he is a highly intelligent person himself and is in fact proud of this. (For this hypothesis speaks the fact that the nickname "KB" was originally an abbreviation of "KLEVER BYTE".) But unlike me, he tends to conceal this, probably because he might have made bad experiences in the past. So he's jealous of me as I openly show everybody how high my IQ is, without inhibitions.
added on the 2006-08-22 12:13:07 by Adok Adok
LOL! riiiiiight.
added on the 2006-08-22 12:18:54 by Axel Axel
Please, for the love of God, someone get this guy laid :(
added on the 2006-08-22 12:19:19 by Gargaj Gargaj


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