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scene.org awards 2006

category: general [glöplog]
besides the video-connection during the scene.org awards, i think it might be nice to have some kind of showing of atleast winning productions from gathering, it could be for example something that happens in the monday morning when people are waiting for the prizegiving (which always seems to have a delay anyway)
added on the 2006-04-19 01:33:30 by nosfe nosfe
i support that idea.
added on the 2006-04-19 01:40:14 by kusma kusma
Me too.
added on the 2006-04-19 01:53:08 by Preacher Preacher
Gloom, each time I went to breakpoint that held the scene.org awards ceremony, I met various venerable old farts that do not have the energy anymore to check out the stuff that is being released.

Screening the winner demos provided them with the chance of seeing the cream of the crop, for the first time..

added on the 2006-04-19 07:52:20 by _-_-__ _-_-__
nosfe: very good idea, i'll take it up with the guys. :)

knos: well, if they're so old and farty that they don't bother to see new demos anyway, why should they care who wins a predominantly PC-oriented award? :) but seriously - i think those people are the minority, and as long as most people in general has seen the demos, showing a short cut from the demo (perhaps while waiting for the recipient(s) to come on stage?) ought to be enough. if anything, it should inspire the people who haven't seen the prod to take a good long look at what's being released these days.

win-win, if you ask me. :)
added on the 2006-04-19 08:45:39 by gloom gloom
Just few quick comments: I agree with the most of you on that Awards show was too long-winded this time. Not only we had a new category, also the VIP's added the overall time close to 2 hours - whereas the first year with 3 categories less and no VIP's it was only bit more than 1 hour. And I think we need to get closer to that one hour again so that the show is compact enough and enjoyable for everyone. Cutting the demos is one alternative ... showing only 1-2 minutes of the winning demo instead of full length (in lot of cases 5+ minutes) would make a big difference in the flow.

What comes to the host change from me+Steeler to Netpoet, it was also more of a change from getting from a hassle into a well-planned presentation. Even if fun things happened (accidentally :) during the previous shows I hope the change was for the better.

Anyways, we'll have a poll at the Awards website in the near future asking from all kinds of feedback - but of course feel free to rant or comment here as well, we're all eyes open.
added on the 2006-04-19 09:09:51 by melw melw
well what about people who actually don't have up-to-date pc anymore (or switched to mac already) or wouldnt watch or remember names of c64 productions otherwise.
added on the 2006-04-19 09:10:43 by _-_-__ _-_-__
regarding the vip hosts and their outfits, i'll quote something skrebbel told me about that after the show.. "if it hadn't been there, it would just be another prizegiving, which we have one of at every party anyway". I think that pretty much states my views on these..

also, the idea of the text they "had to" say was that there _are_ actually people watching the awards ceremony and don't know what counts in each and every category, the point was kind of to make those people understand.

the idea of only showing short clips, and then having a full demoshow in the end (that people can leave if they want) sounds good, i'll keep that one in mind.
the lenght of the show was indeed too long, but that just means people like asd and fairlight should stop making 1 hour demos ;)
added on the 2006-04-19 09:25:18 by leijaa leijaa
I think the best would be to play the winner demos after all the prizes have been given, so the show doesn't get interrupted in the middle.
That is specially annoying if you're sitting in one of the benches for more than one hour and your back & bottom are imploring you "please stand up NOW".

Also, about the VIP hosts, it would be cool if they actually weren't so drunk or confused that they didn't know what to say. I was suffering with some of them, when they got up on stage and looked at the lights, and with a tremblorous voice tried to say something meaningful but couldn't when they realized there was a camera somewhere near them. So they ended in a rush, saying something which sounded so artificial and forced that was a bit ridiculous, if you don't mind me being so harsh (people in the audience was being even harsher and unpoliter than me here, trust me)

and now that we are on being pedantic, maybe the length of the animation clips introducing the nominees for each category could be a bit shorter, they were cool, but once you've seen the same rotating thing three times is more like "oh my god not again, at least not that long!"

all in all, i appreciate so much the awards, i think that even just being nominated is a great honour and can encourage people to create superb stuff, so just take this as kind suggestions to improve and convert it into a supermegacool act.
I'd still would like to know how "best effects" demo are picked, since "effects" are slowly disappearing.
Maybe "best code" category would cut it?
added on the 2006-04-19 09:29:16 by dixan dixan
off topic: nosfe, we've tried asking the beamteam every damn year (yes, also back at mekka) if they can show the winning demos from the gathering, but they have always said they have no time. that's why i didn't even bother to try this year, although it was suggested more than once
added on the 2006-04-19 09:33:48 by leijaa leijaa
oh, and they have that problem with too drunk vip's at "the real thing" too :D but basically almost none of the guys were too drunk, they were just not too prepared + suffered from stage fright :(
added on the 2006-04-19 09:35:34 by leijaa leijaa
see, in the "real thing" some of them are professional performers, and more importantly, the show is rehearsed.
added on the 2006-04-19 10:34:09 by _-_-__ _-_-__
I agree with the most of you on that Awards show was too long-winded this time
Which is utterly ironic, since a lot of the "let's go pro lol" efforts, like badgering nominees for exact numbers of representatives and putting them in some sort of bullshit VIP area were actually supposed to cut back time?

And yes, it would be just another prize ceremony, Leia. Cluephone.gif to the rescue: that is what they are, give or take the subtle fact that people cannot fuck up / exceed the deadline for it's compos anymore.

Another gripe: if Slummy doesn't at least use cusswords every other sentence, he's obviously reading memorized cuecards. We're pre-faked voting results away from hosting the real Oscars, kids :)

Anyway, Sole's suggestion of stripping the playtime of the winning demos and having them played in a separate demoshow would be constructive. I'd ditch the cuecard bullshit too and have the hosts prepare their own flair ;)
added on the 2006-04-19 10:40:19 by Shifter Shifter
That first sentence is, ofcourse, supposed to be quoting melwyn :)
added on the 2006-04-19 10:41:02 by Shifter Shifter
shifter: id did cut back on time ;)
(yeah we knew it was going to be long so we tried to cut everywhere we could beforehand)

and actually, most people didn't use their cuecards, which is why someone said 2 lines and someone said 10...

and if you don't think slummy can be serious when required, you're not a very good judge of people ;)
added on the 2006-04-19 10:48:32 by leijaa leijaa
in future it would be cool to show short clips in the awards and the whole thing in a demoshow of the winners straight after (as sole said). seriously, we kept running out of beer during the show cos of it's length, it was becoming a real problem. :) and yea, i know that about 10 minutes of that show was eaten up by boogie factor which is our fault, sorry =)

about the vips, i thought it was quite cool actually, especially if it persuades some of those old vips to show up at all when they wouldnt have otherwise. and i was amazed to see dani still able to walk up onto the stage and talk after the several hundred litres of alcohol he must have consumed =)

i agree, best effects and best gfx were bad categories this year. it felt like the nominees were largely "demos where the coder led the design" rather than "demos or intros with really good code". best technical achievement might reward people doing really good rendering code, sizecode or whatever. i'd hate to see the code+visuals categories merged, tho (as a coder). the problem is, it's rather hard to fit e.g. mfx or kewlers demos (and a lot of other modern demos) into a category neatly - they dont usually have new fx or heavy code, they dont have any real gfx, but their visuals do rock.

(and yea, offtopic it would have been really nice if they showed the winning tg stuff at bp)

added on the 2006-04-19 10:48:38 by smash smash
oh and btw, i really liked netpoet as a host, hope he stays next year.
added on the 2006-04-19 10:49:27 by smash smash
i also think that having the "winners" demoshow at the end of the awards would be cool and would cut back the whole event. combining that with showing the best from tg would probably kick ass.
added on the 2006-04-19 11:04:50 by uncle-x uncle-x
I also thought that the show was too long, but that maybe was due to my fever and every bone hurting. Apart from that, I really liked the improvements over the last year, especially the individual hosts. But maybe someone with huge signs with the text written on it would be great, just in case anyone forgets what to say.

Or maybe build a teleprompter? http://www.creativepro.com/story/feature/22302.html
added on the 2006-04-19 11:20:14 by chock chock
and if you don't think slummy can be serious when required, you're not a very good judge of people ;)

ooh, a challenge! seriously now... did I ever claim to be?
added on the 2006-04-19 11:26:30 by Shifter Shifter
That is specially annoying if you're sitting in one of the benches for more than one hour and your back & bottom are imploring you "please stand up NOW".

Ohh... Yeah, those benches really suck. After watching the compos there, my neck and back now hurts like hell, that it's even hard to find a comfortable position in my ultra-comfy chair here at work.

I really hope the BP orgas could come up with something bit more comfortable there, like at least replace all of the benches with those chairs.
added on the 2006-04-19 11:34:06 by teel teel
just to add to the length-debate (which is pretty void, i'm sure everyone agrees that the ceremony was too long :) .. i watched it via the stream, which was pretty decent actually, apart from the fact that i needed to be sitting in front of a computer for over two hours. it was painful on the border of totally annoying. i left for bathroom/snack-brakes when the demos were shown. :)
added on the 2006-04-19 12:07:24 by gloom gloom
to nuke the 'best effect' category would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. realtime rendering makes demos different from animations and movies, and scene.org awards is there to promote the achievements of demosceners in this genre. this category might be repositioned as 'best code', but that would include other aspects of code, such as compression algorithms besides realtime rendering code.
added on the 2006-04-19 12:16:05 by Ger Ger
i watched it via the stream, which was pretty decent actually, apart from the fact that i needed to be sitting in front of a computer for over two hours.
That's what you get for not being TG event organizer this year. 16 bit internet and luxurious chairs...


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