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Is the SOPA of any interest for you guys?

category: offtopic [glöplog]

I mean, everything starts with a small step. The "STOPP"-Sign comes into mind when i did read about this. which was a very silly campaign anyways.

I mean, it's about the Internet right? Or not?

I'm sorry if i put US-Politics in here, but most people in the people i talked about this from the U.S. seem to ignore this.
added on the 2011-11-18 23:42:08 by Exin Exin
Is this the thing where they cry wolf again? Or is the wolf actually there now?

But yeah, it looks pretty bad.
added on the 2011-11-19 00:12:58 by Preacher Preacher
As far as i read, it's not stopped yet. But i don't know about votes on this or anything else on that political matter. For example, deadlines for the vote, who can appeal on court against it, etc.
added on the 2011-11-19 00:23:28 by Exin Exin
This is what I have to say:

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added on the 2011-11-19 00:52:55 by xernobyl xernobyl
mmmm, soba
added on the 2011-11-19 01:00:11 by farfar farfar
LOL, fail BBQ :P
added on the 2011-11-19 01:14:43 by Optimus Optimus
I remember SOPA at assembly 1995, it was buggy stuff.
added on the 2011-11-19 10:59:36 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
Mmm ¡qué sopa tan rica!
added on the 2011-11-19 13:30:17 by svo svo
The USA are following in the footsteps of Pakistan, but still have a lot to learn concerning censorship and stripping away digital liberties from it's priso,.. erhmz I mean civilians : http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5g76TLMCX6mcczXlKCpN4PsSOMsOw
added on the 2011-11-19 14:12:40 by numtek numtek
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added on the 2011-11-19 14:53:45 by Jcl Jcl
It's a tough one. Having somebody steal your work and make money from it is totally unacceptable, and I think there is enough of a piracy problem that something should be done to keep it down. And the pirate sites are often set up in 'friendly' countries so it's extremely hard to shut them down. There's not a lot of practical options really.

But then.. censorship? I think this is also unacceptable, probably more unacceptable than the piracy problem. Say you start shutting down pirate sites, starting with the pirate bay. That's a major source of piracy for sure. But it's also used a little for legit stuff, which also gets censored. The pirates don't give up and head for the shops, they just move to a new site, perhaps one that's mostly full of legit stuff now. Do you block that? Where does it end, if I upload some warez to a bunch of google hosted sites should google get blocked? Should sites that promote piracy get blocked. Sites that just discuss it, sites that host cracktros (i.e. here)?

Then what comes next, sites that discuss drugs? Sites that host videos of speeding cars? Political sites? It's not a good way to go.

Personally I think they should drop anything like this fast, and spend the money on some kind of international organisation to go after the people running the sites, because from what I've seen some of them are earning a lot of money from it. Some piracy I can dig (and partake of myself now and then), but not doing it commercially.
added on the 2011-11-19 17:21:06 by psonice psonice
I hope the SOAP is of interest to you too...
added on the 2011-11-19 17:46:45 by baah baah
Hmmm....i see. Most people's reaction to this is like "Censoring the internet? They won't get through this anyways...." and then...
added on the 2011-11-19 21:58:31 by Exin Exin
They kind tried it here in Australia. Didn't really get them anywhere tho. Their still trying to push it thru -but I think at the end of the day most Aussies see it as just propaganda. More here & here.
Oh & here is some S.O.A.P. ;)
added on the 2011-11-19 23:54:40 by ringofyre ringofyre
sadly, i couldnt find concrete info about SOPA on americancensorship.org, just propaganda. they really need to educate, not stir it up.
added on the 2011-11-20 04:03:16 by vectory vectory
psonice - surely theft << censorship?

Even if all public piracy sites gets removed, it will just move back onto closed sites, (secure) ftp sites etc.

I'm guessing the current evolution will continue: You're not buying software, you're buying a licence to use a service - which then requires access to a highly secure internet-site.
added on the 2011-11-20 04:16:24 by hornet hornet
This of course goes hand in hand with (to me) troubling trends to move control of their data out of the users' hands. I can imagine censorship of sites which allow them to back up their data when companies who hold it to ransom make it difficult.

I do not trust "the cloud" for anything important.
The thing with this kind of problems is that people tend do lean on the quote "information wants to be free" without taking the full contex in account:
"On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it's so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other."
added on the 2011-11-20 08:05:34 by Frost Frost
But yes, the SOPA would be a minor catastrophy in more than one way.
added on the 2011-11-20 08:07:54 by Frost Frost
Hornet: I'd say simply that theft and censorship are both bad, which is worse just depends on the size of the crime.

I guess what's happening in the UK kind of sums up how I feel on this. We had a new law + 'censorship system' some years back to block child porn. Now that I can live with, the goal is good, and it's better to have a little censorship than child porn floating around. It'll just push things underground perhaps, but making it harder to access does reduce the problem at least I reckon.

There was a lot of concern (which I shared) back then that the system could be abused though, if it can block child porn it can block other things too.

Guess what? The same system is now being used to block pirate sites - first newzbin, now pirate bay is targeted. What next, sites that distribute tools that could be used for piracy? Sites that host cracktros that promote pirate groups? What after that?

So basically, I'd be in favour of it as the lesser of two evils... IF it could be guaranteed that it'd be used ONLY for the originally stated purpose. It can't, and we know it does slowly spread, so it should be killed like now :)
added on the 2011-11-21 11:03:35 by psonice psonice
If SOPA does not succeed - good. If it succeeds - good, will make the Internet communities find a solution faster.
sopa itself is a minor problem, but that it is even considered, just because of lobbyism is way worse of a situation. it is already bad enough, that it suffices to accuse some site without actuall proof, to get it censored.

psonice, how is limiting access to c/p helping the victims, anyhow? it isn't.
added on the 2011-11-21 16:45:09 by vectory vectory
vectory: if it's not easy to access, fewer people will find their way to it and maybe one day get involved in making it. It doesn't remove the problem, but hopefully it ends up with less victims in the future.
added on the 2011-11-21 17:36:41 by psonice psonice


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