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why does one get sick of demoscene?

category: general [glöplog]
maybe we've lost our interest?
maybe everything has got so commercialized?
maybe no one paid for our work, nor life?
maybe demoscene has got thru too many transitions?

maybe this topic is already discussed.
then sorry.
added on the 2004-03-15 16:18:55 by nagz nagz
It happens. Usually for me its just been too long since the last big party and there are few good releases. Then there's a big party and there is too much shit to look through, and it gets worse. But then you find some classic release, and it restores your faith.

Go watch bakkslide7 or something :)
added on the 2004-03-15 16:22:37 by psonice psonice
This thread is very interesting. No time to discuss it for today. I'll have to stop posting now and go home and take some rest. Perhaps tomorrow..

But to finish with today,. the biggest paradox of all, is that even if we get so sick that we decide to post a "Today, after so many nice years, I decided to quit from the scene and get a life instead.." message (And not just me but other active sceners),. we return back to it after a short period!!! :P (It seems that demoscene is like the eternal death stuff I was talking in the other thread =)
added on the 2004-03-15 16:41:25 by Optimus Optimus
Personally, i have a life... i keep it in a box under the bed for special occasions. =-)
added on the 2004-03-15 16:49:30 by TMR{C0S} TMR{C0S}
I've reached that point myself recently and have decided to take a break from activity. I'm still interested in the scene from a spectator's perspective, so I don't think it's the scene's fault.

I guess a lot of us just happen to find new challenges and interests outside of the scene.
added on the 2004-03-15 17:03:51 by Wade Wade
may be because you used the BBS-topic number 1000 for nothing ;-p

and about leaving, i had leaved in 1995 and do a come back in 1998. leaved because real life taken me too much time, and come back because i can not express my creativity in real world.
i think the biggest driveaway force are morons.
added on the 2004-03-15 17:49:13 by Gargaj Gargaj
hehe it's really topic #1000
hoorraaaaaaaaaaay! :)
added on the 2004-03-15 18:26:56 by nagz nagz
bah... topic 1024 will rock!
added on the 2004-03-15 18:51:53 by deemage deemage
Gargaj: word.
added on the 2004-03-15 18:55:18 by moT moT
Gargaj, and the biggest force keeping the scene together is friendship
added on the 2004-03-15 19:18:23 by raymon raymon
raimo: and beer! (and maybe sleazy sex)
added on the 2004-03-15 20:01:16 by okkie okkie
maybe some day you realize that in spite of all the time you sacrifice for the scene it won't pay you an old age pension, it won't be at your side loving you when you're old and grey and in a few years there won't be any technology left to replay all your glorious creations.
added on the 2004-03-15 20:09:23 by benJam benJam
I've noticed that just recently I haven't seen many demos. Nor have I been interested. I have plenty to do in Real Life.
I think I lost my talent for wading through the piles of crap to find the demos I liked (note how high my average rating is... of course I rarely bothered to rate demos I didn't like)
In any case, I may wander back to check out the Assembly and Breakpoint releases, but I don't think I'll be spectating as much as I used to.
added on the 2004-03-16 03:44:10 by crusader crusader
maybe what you need to restore your faith is demoscene boxer shorts
added on the 2004-03-16 06:14:22 by legalize legalize
Maybe wo got to much work to do and don't have enough time to do our 64K for BP04... sigh.
added on the 2004-03-16 08:40:11 by EvilOne EvilOne
That's not a round number :)
I will try to get 1kb for sure =)))
added on the 2004-03-16 12:01:47 by Optimus Optimus
I have to see my professor about defining a day of my last exam (this will define if I'll make it to BP or not). I will answer to this a bit later..
added on the 2004-03-16 12:04:52 by Optimus Optimus
Ok,. exams date set for 20th of April. That was better than I expected!

I am feeling well today, yesterday it's just the usual destructive burst where I say, everything suxx so let's d the usual shit at Pouet. I was down, now I am a bit up, but still that day hurted me and I am vulnernable at going down now. But yesterday I played some Doom and then touched a bit of 6510 asm, I finished almost one part with 4 scrollers, colors, for my 4kb C64 intro I will make for BP, so easy so fast, I love 6510 more than Z80 personally, when I typed my 1st 2 opcodes on the old source code easilly after the shitty exams, elegant and the TASM tabulated them automatically, it was so nice feeling that I burst out of happiness =))) That's why I compare the demoscene with real life in my other thread. Because finally, after shitty stuff like exams, I can see that I have something good in the demoscene, my own creation, free and easy (as I am getting more experienced after the years it's now easier and funnier to code my own stuff!),. with reallife, I can see the demoscene life much positive and,.. ok,. ok,. this is not the other thread. I stop..

..I might talk a bit about the other subject soon.
added on the 2004-03-16 12:35:04 by Optimus Optimus

Let's first talk about me and the scene.

>why does one get sick of demoscene?

I got once, but that was just me. I didn't felt quite well because I had a strange position in it. But then again, wasn't I the one who was acting silly and wicked attention (or self destruction) forced me to continue? After I discovered that the demoscene is just a role playing game (at least for me, if you want), I stopped taking it too seriously. I am now trying to discover the few good things that are still keeping me in it (pure creativity with no real life motivations is a must for me, or doing my own thing) and I think that today I have the best reasons to stay active (but not just in Pouet and nothing else, because that will bring me depression. I wish I could leave Pouet for a while but I will continue coding my shit forever!). In a way, if I can handle well, the forthcoming scene days will be my best ever..

>maybe we've lost our interest?

No way for me. I have still a lot of interesting stuff to code (perhaps just about everything).

>maybe everything has got so commercialized?

Mmm,. I don't know about that. I lately don't like that much to see a very professional scene (from the other side, I was the one who liked the demoscene outreach to the external world, or watching demos with faster code than commercial games) and scene awards like we are holywood or something. I don't know about commercialism. There are presents at demoparties, a lot of money are needed in order to organize demoparties, but activity remains there for the pure reasons of what you can't do on your job/reallife. Creativity has still the old roots and even if someone things that demoscene has become too commercial, trendy or whatever, he can follow his own independent way in it without starving.

>maybe no one paid for our work, nor life?

That's what I was thinking lately. It was one of my main questions, when I was feeling so bad about my demoscene activity. I had seen people at parties working like hell to finnish a demo, I couldn't keep at the same rate, and wondered. Why working so hard for such big demos? But at the same time, it was me who had lost the mood or motivation to be active in the scene. That's where I thought "If I am struggling to code teh shit, then why not doing it for a job instead?". It's possible that if I start coding for a job with my brother's plans soon, I'll not have that much time for the scene. But then again, I would not like to stop doing my own thing, so perhaps there is a possibility that I will at least spare few time for demoscene activities, most probably smaller things rather than big demos.

>maybe demoscene has got thru too many transitions?

Hmm? I am not sure about that too. I don't know. Today I think that things like commercialisation or the scene is dead, are common excuses for why we don't feel the scene anymore. But it's perhaps us, either we are tired anymore, or the first bursts of enthousiasm have faded away, or we are pissed of some people, or I don't know what..

Damn,. I am not sattisfied with what I wrote. I think I can't give a right answer. Currently, what is more interesting to me is what keeps us in the demoscene, why people work so much for big demos, why even if we get sick we will return back after a while?

Perhaps I will have a better clue tomorrow :)
added on the 2004-03-16 13:59:17 by Optimus Optimus

Let's first talk about me and the scene.
added on the 2004-03-16 14:10:02 by dalezr dalezr
sceners come and sceners go, that is not a new phenomenon nor is it very strange.
added on the 2004-03-16 14:10:17 by pantaloon pantaloon
Pantaloon, its just that.. some of you just refuses to go unless the police comes and drags you out.
added on the 2004-03-16 15:31:14 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
dalezy: optimus is the center of the scene, the alpha-omega! (didn't you know that by know?)
added on the 2004-03-16 15:38:52 by okkie okkie
maybe what you need to restore your faith is demoscene boxer shorts

actually, i sold some real demoscene boxers at scene event. could bring some to breakpoint if anyone's interested. they're trendily striped horizontally and vertically, and the little mark on the front, top (the part where it usually says 'ck' or such) says "SCENE". 4 euros per boxer.
added on the 2004-03-16 17:57:20 by skrebbel skrebbel


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