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Pesso by Dekadence [web]

  ______________  .____      _____  ______________   _________  ____    ____
 _\___   _/   _/__|   |_____/  _  \_\___    /   _/___\   _   |_/  _/__ /  _/__.
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|       /    Y        _        Y               Y     |   |   |    '   |  Y    |
|_____________    |___Y    |___|    |__    _____     .___|   |_____   |___    |
  --H7/dS!-- `----'   `----' - `----' `----' - `-----' - `---' -- `---'  `----'

                                   amiga 40k

                        britelite                 code
                        chavez/funktion    gfx & music
                        platon42/dsr pretracker player
                        blueberry/lns        shrinkler
                 Minimum requirements: 000/OCS with 512k/512k

                 Does NOT work on AGA machines and might run
                 weird on accelerated machines.

                 This production can be distributed freely in
                 its unmodified binary form, with all the
                 following files included:
                 - dkd-pesso.exe
                 - dkd-pesso.nfo
                 - file_id.diz

                 This production may NOT be distributed in
                 video form without our explicit permission. 
                 Contact us at dekadencedemo@gmail.com BEFORE
                 making your video capture public, or we will
                 issue a takedown.

                 Permission for distributing a video capture
                 granted to:
                 - Gerp party organizing

                 Video capture available at:
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