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Regenesis by Conspiracy [web]

This tiny little release is almost 3 years in the making.

Writing a demotool is a shiny endevour. It's an enticing project to show off on twitter's 
current equivalent in screenshots or short videos without having to actually produce 
something in the end. It can also be very seductive when watching people use their
tools at a party to make their releases to go "yeah i'll write a tool, THEN I'll make
releases so much faster!". It's also usually not a good idea and the hard drives of
demosceners are littered with failed and abandoned tool projects everywhere.

I've been writing demotools for over 20 years now. I'm one of the lucky few who have had
people work with them, which resulted in over 75 releases by various groups and people,
all of which I personally compiled and tested. I started writing the last generation of
my demotools in August of 2010. apEx, as it was called (short for Another Programming
EXperiment - there's a story of a failed previous generation demotool in that name, btw) 
has served us well and was responsible for acclaimed releases such as Offscreen Colonies,
Darkness Lay Your Eyes Upon Me and Clean Slate.

With Clean Slate we pushed apEx to its breaking point. We hacked and squeezed every last
bit (literally) out of what it could do. It was a swan song on purpose, because we hoped
that today would come: Before Clean Slate I started working on my newest demotool on 
January 1st, 2021, starting off fresh literally with "void main()", building even a UI 
engine from scratch and pouring 20 years of experience into what the pinnacle of our 
brand of demo tools could be.

Close to 3 years later we have the debut release created with Archon, called Regenesis. 
It's not much as it was created in 2 days at the end of a very hectic 2 week rush to 
create the standalone demo engine. In many ways it's the complete opposite of Clean Slate:
It's completely unoptimized, with zero thoughts on what should be left out of the engine
or what should be removed from the release to make it fit better. Heck, not even the
shaders are minified, even the comments were kept in there. It's a proof of concept, and 
it shows one thing: 

Archon is ready for action.

BoyC, September 2023

(ps. we have undo now! :D)
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