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Punte Bunkte by Brainwank [web]

  #                                                                   #
  #      _____             ___       __                   __          #
  #     /\_ / \            \  > __ _/__\_______ _  __  /\/ /          #
  #    /_/ /_\_\           /. \/ _/.\  /  \  ' /.\/  \/ _ <           #
  #    \__\__/_/          /___/_/ \__\/_/_/\/\/\__\/_/_/ \_\          #
  #                                                                   #
  #                                                                   #
  #    Product:           PUNTE BUNKTE                                #
  #    Version:           1                                           #
  #    Type:              C64 256b                                    #
  #    Artist:            Kojote                                      #
  #    Release:           Eastern 2003                                #
  #    Party Release?     (x) Yes - Breakpoint 2003                   #
  #                                                                   #
  #    -------------------------------------------------- Details     #
  #                                                                   #
  #    PUNTE BUNKTE halt :o)                                          #
  #                                                                   #
  #    -------------------- Current Members In Alphabetical Order     #
  #                                                                   #
  #    [neo] ............................................ Germany     #
  #    Kojote ........................................... Austria     #
  #    MK2K ............................................. Germany     #
  #    Somnium .......................................... Germany     #
  #    Tante Frieda ..................................... Germany     #
  #    wasiliy .......................................... Germany     #
  #    Zerlh ............................................ Germany     #
  #                                                                   #
  #    -------------------------------------------------- Website     #
  #                                                                   #
  #                                       http://www.brainwank.de     #
  #                                                                   #
  ########################################################### koj03 ###
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