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Dissecting the Scene Syndrome by Fulcrum [web]

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                        Dissecting the Scene Syndrome

                      Code: Seven
                      tools used:  Crinkler, custom tools

     * To run this, you need a reasonable fast video card
      (tested on Nvidia 1060 GTX and AMD 480RX)
     * 300 MB ram (for the Crinkler decompression)
     * Tested on Windows 10, might also run on windows 7?
     * 4 kb diskspace

                                  .Thank You
            - Blueberry and Mentor for Crinkler 2.3
            - The Watcher and Dragongold for support at the partyplace

                              .About the intro.

First real party in 2.5 years! While I didn't have an entry to bring along
to the party, I had a 4K executable gfx in mind, and Behold! Here it is.
I wanted to do something more organic this time, and IQs onioning operator
reminded me of cell organelles. So a simple cell it is :)

Once again, I couln't remotely fill the space. The exe is about 2.3 KB, and
rather hapazardly coded. The greets probably make it too big to get in 2K,
so I'm not going to bother and enjoy the party! See you at a future


                      .                                  .
                   .:._\  _\.............................:..
                    : \   \                              :
                   ::  '   \ Fulcrum memberstatus:       ::
                    :      ------------------------      :
                   :.   seven.....................code   .:
                    :   coplan...................music   :
                    :   el.blanco................music   : 
                    :   ranger.rick..............music   :
                    :   the.watcher.........code,music   :
                    :   yncke.................graphics   :     
                    :   miss.saigon..............music   :
                    :   kneebiter.................code   :     .
                     ::                                ::     /     .
  ....................::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_    /_.......
                     :                                  :     /     /
       .: . .........:          visit us at :           :..../..... . :.
                    .:         ---------------          :.  '
           ' ''::::::: . http://www.fulcrum-demo.org/ . :::::::' '
                  .  :       .          .             . :
                _/|__:     _/|___     _/|_____      _/|_:_
               _\ _   \_ __\_ ._/__ __\_.    /______\.__ /__        -
         _     \  |\    \\ ` .____/_\   .   ' .   \ ` \|    \ -    _
      _    -   _\ |_\    \\_  \|    \\  |\     \   \_  '     \_         _
                /____      /_  '     /____\     \___/____     /
                 demo\ ____\ \ ______\sim:1\ ____\tlp.ttn\  __\
                      \|    ::\|            \|  ::     .wt\|
                       '   .::.':.   DEMO   .: .::.        '
                                / - - - - - -\

                                    - - -

                       : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts, please :

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