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Rhabarbarbaric Factory by Team210 [web] & copernicium [web]

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         :: Rhabarbarbaric Factory ::
              by  NR4 / Team210
               and bod / CN112
                  :: Size ::  
                 6304 bytes.

              :: Instructions ::
                   Run exe.

                :: The Krew ::
                 bod - music
              NR4 - code, graphics

               :: last words ::

  The German word for potassium is "Kalium".

An ex figher pilot teams up with a shady internet marketing 
guru to find wife's real killer. As the story unfolds, the 
ex figher pilot starts drinking with a district attorney who 
has an army of trained monkeys which they use to their 
advantage. Through brute force they manage to burn down 12 
boats, win the lottery and win the respect of the police.
--- So ne Demo braucht ja Handlung!

      Once you offend, you cannot stop.


               :: Greetings ::

                * Alcatraz
                * Mercury
                * The Electronic Knights
                * Never
                * Farbrausch
                * Abyss-Connection
                * Titan
                * Vacuum
                * Schnappsgirls
                * Kewlers
                * K2
                * Dekadence
                * Genesis Project
                * Jumalauta
                * Wursthupe
                * Die Wissenden
                * AttentionWhore
                * Accession
                * Neurocorp
                * Bitbendaz


            las rulez. Keep up the good
            work, even if it means having
            to deal with bullshit 24/7.

                I can not die.

         CU @ any party that is held in
         person 2k22. I hope it is the
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