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Summer by Team210 [web]

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                 :: Summer ::
               by NR4 / Team210

                  :: Size ::  
          Final file size: 3811 bytes.

              :: Instructions ::
                   Run exe.
   Don't get nervous when it takes some time.

                :: The Krew ::
                NR4 - Code, GFX

               :: Last words ::
        Once you offend, you cannot stop.

               :: Technology ::
      * Single-fragment.
      * CTRL-ALT-TEST-minified.
      * Crinklered.
      * Rendered with enhanced sphere tracing 
        with analytical parts.
      * Scene is las-mapped.
      * Bounding hierarchy optimiziation.
      * Lots of fakes to make it pretty.


               :: Greetings ::
            * Abyss-Connection       
            * Accession              
            * Alcatraz               
            * AttentionWhore   
            * Bitbendaz      
            * Copernicium            
            * Dekadence              
            * Die Wissenden          
            * Epoch                  
            * Farbrausch             
            * Genesis Project        
            * Jumalauta              
            * Kewlers                
            * K2
            * Logicoma               
            * Mercury                
            * Metalvotze             
            * MFX                    
            * Neurocorp              
            * Never                  
            * Rift                   
            * Schnappsgirls          
            * Spacepigs & Muhmac :)  
            * The Electronic Knights 
            * Vacuum                 
            * Wursthupe              
            * 5711                   


            Also know how to enhance
              your sphere tracing.
      Mercury know how you should do it.

                I can not die.

         CU @ any party that is held in
         person 2k22. I hope it is the
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