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Different wavelengths in the visible spectrum by Flare [web]

           ________     _____  warp^bliss.2003  _______    ________
         _/  _     \___/    /       ________  _/  __   \__/  ____  \
        /   /____  __    __(__/(___/  ____  \/   /__  __    / ___)  )
        \__  __( \(  \   \_,         (__  )   __  ( \(  \__ \_    _/--,
          \___\       )_________(\_______/---' \___\      \___\  /___(
       .  .. .. flare ...... ....  ...   ..   .       .        )/      


               "different wavelengths in the visible spectrum"

                           a 4k source compo entry

                              by spectre/flare

                                  have fun


        . bliss . blockos . ECFh . guideline . nikotin . perplexity .

  rigel: thanks for the name for the intro!
  mooz: ys rules! but I suck at it.
  avoozl, smoke: good luck with the breakpoint demo!
  warp: good luck with your breakpoint demo too! and nice compo :)
        and thanks for the ascii!
  joel, skywarper: go go go! let's see some more releases! :)
  zandman: you should add some fun doors and make some conferences! do it! :P
           and teach me how to ascii!
  violator: continue doing your k-r4d maya logos!
  cavey: c64 foreva!
  jylam: looking forward for your 1337 mobile applications!
  lynx: robots shouldn't turn you off, really. you get used to it :p
  larstiq: meet me in Sigil and let's have a nesquik together!
           (they got nesquik, right?)
  tarzeau: selam! naber? :)
  fuse: you should come visit us on IRC more often!

  -- to compile under linux:
  gcc -O6 dwitvs.c -o dwitvs `sdl-config --libs`
  -- under windows/mingw32:
  gcc -O6 dwitvs.c -o dwitvs -lmingw32 -lsdlmain -lsdl -I\path\to\sdl\headers
  -- you can use msvc as well
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