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Just4Fun by Immaculate

        Just4Fun - a 4kb intro by Zaifrun released at The Party 1997. 

  Requirements    : VGA, 386 or above with FPU
  Optional        : SoundBlaster card.
  Commandline Options :"just4fun -nosound" - disables all sound  
                       "just4fun -sound" - force sound on if autodetect fails

  The intro is compressed with ComPack 4.5, which seems to be the best
  com program packer which I have tried. 

  If you wonder about the music - it's a classic theme from one of
  Beethovens pieces. I used it because I was sick and tired of the same old
  techno music used in every demo and intro. 
  When I get around to it I will put the source for the intro on my webpage.
  For those who interested go to : 

  To Contact me : zaifrun@geocities.com
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