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mainframe.scene.org by d4rkn3ss [web]


This here is the d4rkn3ss demo Mainframe.scene.org.
It's sort of intended as an invitro to the Mainframe 
Computer Festival held annualy in Norrköping. Hosted 
by d4rkn3ss it features all the neat and 1337 stuff 
you all long for at a great party. More info at the 
webpage, mainframe.scene.org.

What you see here is a 36 hour production hacked at 
perhaps the finest party in sweden, Hype. It was 
done in the cafeteria during hype 2003, with the aid 
of loads of coffee and cigarettes.

All code was written in Linux/Debian by globbe. 
LightWaveobjects were done by bonq, concept and 
design by s3if3r, pixelart by Nocturna and Trilli4n, 
music by WodanTJ and a Warm and big Thank You to 
40_ounce for helping me out with the code when I was 
to tired to even remember my own name...

In order to run the thing, download it to a directory 
of your choice, unpack with tar zxvf, and run the RUN 
file :) like so: ./RUN

And yes! IT IS FULKOD DELUXE!!! :)

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