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Black and White by Distorsion

┌────────────--- DiStorSion [french section] presents :
│             ┬┐ ┬  ┬┐ ┬┐ ┬┌    ┬┐ ┌┐ ┬┐    ┐ ┐ ┐┬ ┬ ┌┬┐ ┬┐
│             ││ │  ││ │  ││    ││ ││ ││    │ │ ││ │  │  │
│             ├┤█│██├┤█│██├┐▓▓▓▓├┤▓││▒││▒▒▒▒│░│░├┤░│░░│░░├
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│             ┴┘ ┴┘ ┴│ ┴┘ ┴└    ┴│ ┴│ ┴┘    └┴┘ ┴│ ┴  ┴  ┴┘
│                          D E M O P R O J E C T
├──────────--- General Infos :
│  The music is only available on GUS soundcard. You think Soundblaster
│  owners are persecuted?? You're right!!
│  You may use Esc for exiting the demo and Space for skipping the current 
│  part when watching the demo, but it's up to you!
│  Sorry for the big amount of files in this production, but we had so many
│  troubles with our one-file-packer (which was used in the Nomeansno demo,
│  remember??), that we decided not to use it.
│  By the way, we are looking for such a program, but without the bugs :-)
├──────────--- Credits :
│                          Code               Gfx
│ Introduction            Fëanor              KPC
│ Main screen             Fëanor              RSX
│ DST turnin' logo        Fëanor               -
│ Wobbling part           Fëanor               -
│ GBU effect              Memory               -
│ Circular interferences  Fëanor               -
│ Dots Tunnel             Memory               -
│ Kaiio gfx                 -                 RSX
│ Plasma                  Memory               -
│ Mad 3D part             Memory              RSX
│ Smoke effect            Fëanor               -
│ Art Gallery             Fëanor           KPC + RSX
│ Credits                 Memory               -
│ All musics              Alexel
│ Ideas of a BnW prod     KPC
│ Overall linking         Fëanor
│ Gus Player              Robban / Cascada
│ This infofile           Dirty
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