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Elsecaller by Icebird [web]

                   _             __    /~\       __
                  / \  ___ _____/ (__ /___\ ____ ) \__
               . /___\/x__\)  __\ .  \_ ___/ x  \  _  \ .
              :::___ / \/  \  _\ \ x   \   \     ) /   \:::.
             :::/    \______|____/_____/____\_/  \_____/::::.
         ------/______|-----  presents   -----\___\------------
                              _    __

                         =-{ Elsecaller }-=

a 256 byte intro by exoticorn/icebird for RISC OS on modern hardware, for
example Raspberry PI 2 or later. It requires a CPU which supports the Neon
instruction set. It is optimized for speed and runs at 30fps in FullHD on a
Raspberry PI 3B+.

There are two versions in this archive, Elsecaller and Elsecaller-800x600.
The first of these runs in your current desktop screen mode, assuming that
it is a 24bit color mode. (Which should be a fairly safe assumption in these
days.) On a Raspberry PI 2 you might want to use a slightly lower resolution,
like 720p. There was no space left to disable the mouse pointer in this version
but at least it can be crashed by pressing escape.
The second, as the name suggests, runs in a fixed resolution of 800x600.
They are using different color schemes, because a scaling factor is reused
as a color. This version cannot be quit using escape. You'll have to kill
it using alt+break.

Source code:

Two sets of source code are provided: TunnelSrc, which is the speed optimized
final release version, and TunnelLinearSrc, which is the same code, just not
4 times interleaved and therefore a lot more readable (but also slower).
For people looking into this archive outside of RISC OS, I have also included
plain text versions of the two BBC Basic sources.
Both Src files can simply be run and will run the tunnel until escape is
pressed, then displays the fps of this run. If you run !SetPaths before, they
will save out binaries before returning to the desktop as well.

Special thanks have to go to:

- giZMo/icebird for reminding me to do a backup of my old RiscPC HD before
  it is too late. Taking a look at my old code again inspired me to check out
  RISC OS on Raspberry PI.
- Kuemmel for his RISC OS 256 byte intro '3dball' @ Revision 2020 which also
  motivated me to release something for this platform again.

Also a big thanks to anyone involved in keeping RISC OS alive, 20 years after
the death of Acorn. It still is a really fun platform to code on.
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