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Activate Retro by Flying Cows Inc.

Poland 5.4.2020

Flying Cows Inc. Activate Retro, small production for Revision 2020 Party

Thanks must go to: Red Sector, Anarchy, Scoopex, Cult, Kefrens, Silents
Melon Design, Sanity, Lemon, Futuris, Rgba, Deadliners, Oxygene and many others
Special thanks for Farbrausch for endless motivation

A special SP3PLX radio station will be active, during the Revision 2020 event
and 7 days after at 145, 000 MHz, for each amateur radio Free F.C.I. QSL Card

If you want to support our FCI Museum (shown on the demo) and maybe even send us old computers,
please contact: p l e x a (ATZ) p l e x a . p l 

DirectX was not used in the demo, we've built a whole museum, we have repaired all machines.
I wrote all 3D routines from scratch and i had a lot of fun with SFML.

Please use only Resolution 1920x1080, thanks!

SFML used. Write demos, have fun.

Alt+F4 - demo exit anytime (Revision rules)

Plexa / SP3PLX
j a c e k (ATZ)  m i k l a s i e w i c z . p l

And all remember: Dreammer always lamer!

I know there is a bug related to compiller memory allocation problems, 
this is nothing related to my code, if vector graphics have problems,
just restart the demo and have fun again.
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