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aftersun by Napalm

       /\___ ___ _/\______ /\____ _____   |/
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  //-Presents-//         _______________
._______________________/ -[ AFTERsUN ]- \_.
|                                          |
|        [ Sony Playstation 2 Demo ]       |
|                                          |
| wiRe's contribution for tUM'o2           |
| http://www.tum-home.de/                  |
|                                          |
| get asm5900'n'srcs from my page at       |
| http://wiRe.napalm-x.com/                |
|                                          |
| code by wiRe (100% assembler)            |
| SjPcm by Sjeep                           |
|                                          |
| Release Date:                            |
|  december 28st 2002                      |
|                                          |
| Requires:                                |
|  * PS2 optional running napLink target   |
|  * rom0:LIBSD or host0:LIBSD.IRX file    |
|  * host0:SJPCM.IRX or cdrom0:\SJPCM.IRX  |
|  * SND folder on CD or host (optional)   |
|                                          |
`------------------------------- [ PS2 ] --'
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