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gerade aus by 5711 [web]

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      cG|______/|_____|  \|___\ \|___\

gerade aus by 5711

released at deadline 2019

dino  - visuals
オッキ - music
original song: Mindful Journey by Bacter and Sagamusix

thanks to pandur

made with cables.gl

code credits:

- cables by undefined development (http://undev.studio)
- ops by cables user pandur (https://cables.gl/user/pandur)
- ops by cables user _LJ_ (https://cables.gl/user/_LJ_)
- ops by cables user andro (https://cables.gl/user/andro)
- ops by cables user tim (https://cables.gl/user/tim)
- ops by cables user dino (https://cables.gl/user/dino)
- glmatrix by toji (https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix)
- Photoshop math GLSL shaders by Romain Dura (https://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/)
- ops by cables user action (https://cables.gl/user/action)
- FXAA WebGL implementation by mattdesl (https://github.com/mattdesl/glsl-fxaa)
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