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Blood Rayne + 5

    .                                                                       .
 - -:-- sCr ----------/\--------------------------------------------- sAc --:- -      
    |                 /\                                                    |
    ______/\  _______/  \_____/\_     _/\_______ _____/\   _____/\_   ____/\_
   /     _  \_\     /    \_     /_____\    ____//____   \_/  _____/___\     /___
 _/      /   \_    /      /    _____/     /   \_    _    \______    \_     ____/
 \      /     /   /      /    /   \_     /     /    /     /    /     /    /   \_
  \    /     /   /      /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /    /     /     
   \ _______/\ ________/\ ________/\ ________/\ ________/\ ________/\ ________/
    \/        \/         \/         \/         \/         \/         \/     .
    .                                                                    .: |
 - -:---------------------- - [ o u t c a s t ! ] - ------------------------:- -
    '                                                                       '
    '                          Proudly presents..                           '
    -:----------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Bloody Rayne +5 Trainer :: ]          
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
     . Release Date : May 2 2003          Release Size : 1 file 
    -:------------------------------------------------------------------ -  -
                           -    -  - --------------------------------------:-
           .                          [ :: Game Information :::::::::::: ] |
    -  - --:---------------------------------------------------------------:-
    Trainer Options
    H - Infinite Health
    R - Infinite Blood Rage
    M - Infinite Ammo
    B - Super Blade Attack on     (notes)
    N - Super Blade Attack off
    F - Enemy Cannot Fire Weapons (notes) 


    B - Super Blade Attack will kill anything with 1 strike of the blade
        no matter if its a 50 foot killing machine or a skull with no 
        legs.. ive put an OFF option because in the game u come across 
        THE BUTCHERESS basically she is a mirror version of u.. and uses
        all the same things.. thus unfortunaly she gets the instant kill
        aswell.. but as you only meet her once in the game i thought it
        didnt need me to go back a rewrite more compares into the code so
        i just made an off option instead.. 

    F - Enemy Cannot Fire Weapons does exactly what it says.. the enemy will
        sometimes shoot the 1 round they have in their chamber after that they
        are totally out of ammo.. watch the silly fuckers trying to reload..


    1. Unzip.                                                                 
    2. Place Trainer In Same Dir As Game EXE.                                 
    3. Run Trainer,Select Game, Click RUN GAME Button.      

    -:--------------------------------------------- -  -    -
     | [ :::::::::::: Application Information :: ]                   .
    -:---------------------------------------------------------------:-- -  -
     We are curently looking for people that can : 
     + Supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc), not on the net !

     + You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk or Japan, have a fast upload line 
       (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning.

     + People who can do trainers for Pc and Consoles !
     + People who can crack latest protection schemes for Pc and Consoles 
       (safedisc2, Securom, Etc) !
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