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Big Chipcompo #4 votedisk


    *** Big Chipcompo #4 ***          [... if you cannot use the votedisk
       <votedisk edition>                 for some reason, you can also
                                         open vote.txt and vote manually
    voting is sooo easy:
    1. open the program                  Write ratings from 1 to 10 between
    2. scroll through the songs           the brackets. Enter an X if you
    3. select a number from 1-10           do not wish to vote on a song. ...]
       [1 = worst, 10 = best]
    4. of course, this does not mean that you can distribute each number only
       one time. if you will, you can give the same rating to multiple songs
       (just adding this because some people got it wrong last time)
    5. your votes will be saved when you close the program
    6. send vote.txt to compo@email.ro until monday, september 16th [2oo2 ofcoz]

     of course, you will not vote on your own songs! still, please vote
     if you participated, the reason is explained below..


  >>>IMPORTANT<<<  even though it would be good if you voted on each and
  .-------------.  every song, it is not necessary. please be aware of the
  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  fact that _not_ voting on a song (in vote.txt: entering an
  <             <  'X' between the brackets) will not result in the song
  >             >  necessarily having a disadvantage because results will be
  >             >  calculated using averages -> also artists will have no
  <             <  disadvantage when voting for others - even though they are not
  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  allowed to vote on their own songs.

  finally. please spread the voting disk around quite a bit, and encourage your
  cat & dog to vote, for democracy's sake!

       				    THANK YOU!

PS: The song Trisine.it cannot be played by our voting disk. We haven't figured
    out the reason, and probably won't.
    Please play this song manually (i.e. with XMPlay) and vote for it too. The
    author of the tune did nothing wrong since it plays back in XMPlay. A big
    sorry goes to you, the listeners, for the inconvenience, and to the author
    of the tune.
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