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CapaMod 3.13b by Capacala

                         CapaMod 3.13b documentation file
            Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Heikki Ylinen (flap / Capacala)

     1. INFO

   CapaMod 3.x is capable of playing MODs, S3Ms and XMs through Gravis Ultra-
 Sound.  It uses  CapaPlay II  which is  included  in CAPAPLA2.ZIP  with full
 assembler source code. You may use it, study it, modify it, but give credits
 to its original author, Heikki Ylinen (flap / Capacala).
   This product is no longer supported,  so don't send me any bug reports or
 questions. There won't be any future releases of CapaMod/CapaPlay. Sorry.

     2. THE USAGE

   First of all,  you must have  ULTRASND environment  variable set.  CapaMod
 won't work without it. And if you still encounter some problems, please make
 sure that you have installed the ULTRINIT, although it is not necessary.
   If you encounter some problems  with GUS IRQ, use the option /TMR to force
 CapaMod to use  system timer  instead of GUS IRQ.  Or if the  computer hangs
 while loading a module, try disabling DMA transfers with option /NDM.
   Red, green and blue  environment colors require  palette changes.  If this
 causes some problems, you use an unchanged palette (i.e. parameter /CLR0).

   Here's the command line syntax:

 Syntax: CMOD [filespec] [options]
   /AMPx      - set amplification (0..48) (default=auto configure)
   /AMY       - force to Amiga limits (use only octaves 3-5)
   /COR       - play corrupted modules without query
   /LIN       - enable line in
   /MIC       - enable mic in
   /NDM       - disable DMA transfer
   /NO0       - disable speed zero
   /NPN       - disable pan effects
   /PANx      - set default panning (-127..127) (default=36)
   /TMR       - use system timer instead of GUS's own IRQ
   /VBL       - VBlank: disable tempo, speed scale 0-255 (only MODs)

   /CHNx      - set default number of visible channels (0..32) (default=16)
   /CLRx      - set environment color (0=DOS, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue) (def.=3)
   /EXE[file] - start playing and execute [file]
   /FADx      - set fade speed (0..9) (default=9, fastest)
   /HLP       - command line help
   /KBD       - disable key repeating speed set
   /LOPx      - set number of max loops (0..255) (default=255, loop forever)
   /QIT       - quit after reaching the end if only one module is to be played
   /SCRx      - screen saver after x seconds idle (default=0, disabled)

   /DIR[dir]  - set default directory for file selector
   /FILx      - descript.ion filler character code (32..255) (default=250)
   /MIDx      - file selector's mid window mode (0..2) (default=0, help)
   /RND       - play modules in random order

   You can also  put your favorite  command line options  into an environment
 variable. Here is mine for example:

  SET CAPAMOD=/dird:\music\modstuff\mods /clr1 /mid1 /chn32


   The file  selector has an enhanced  support for ZIP-files.  To use the ZIP
 support, make sure you have a path to a directory containing PKUNZIP.EXE.

   The module descriptor in the selector builds the description as follows:
   <module name>····································<loop>··<duration>

   A looping module called "Huoleton aamu" with a duration of 1:04 would be
   Huoleton aamu············································loop··1:04
   You can use the descriptor also to describe for example directories:
   <module name = artist name>············<duration = group of artist>

   In real life the descriptions would add up to only 40 characters in width!


   And mail me only condoms and email me only if you find it necessary.

     smail: Heikki Ylinen             email: hylinen@cc.hut.fi
            JMT 10F 90
            02270 Espoo
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