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? O I I A I Y ?
 ! R G N L T !

\   / |''' /'' --+-- /'\ |'\ 
 \ /  |--  |     |   | | |_/
  .   |___ \__   |   \_/ | \

A new creation, by me, I like to call it a Weekendtro!
	Almost all of this was done over the weekend,

(The Music is called "E's on Jesus end" or something, and 
 its done by a REALLY cool dude, I did not know who he was,
 but he rocks)

I know....

  ...that the name sucks....
  ...the timers are messed up so it plays some parts slow on some computers...
  ...you need a math-coprocessor for it to finish before the next ice age...
  ...chocolate syrup does not go good over hot enchiladas...

...But screw it, It was done over a weekend! (Plus its my first demo)

Just type original to get in.
If it sounds scratchy, make the first parameter 1
if you hate sound, make the second parameter 1
if you want better sound make the third parameter 3
if you want more speed make the third parameter 1
Simple, no?

"original 1 0 3"
gives you nice sound, makes it unscratchy if scratchy, and does NOT disable sound.

Ok! I want to for a DemoGroup now! I need some everything! 
Graphx guy, Music Guy, another coder Guy, I need more! 
We are gonna make wicked demos, maybe even some games...

Next, expect a few 3d effects in (Hard to do over a weekend :).

Here are my stats (To get in touch):

Name: Brian Cowan
Nick: Vector.
Hangs out at: #!programming on Undernet IRC 
		(Other Vectors exist there too, make shure its me).
Phone: (613)-634-0065
Email: cowanb@limestone.kosone.com
  872 Sexton Lane
  Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
  K7M 7W3
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