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Isolation by Dreamers

           I    S    O    L    A    T    I    O    N     music disk

  bY DReaMers
  CopYriGht (C) 1997/1998 All rIghTs rEseRvEd

Yeeeeaah, after many and many months we have finished our first music disk!
We presented a preview at TiG '97 (The Italian Gathering 1997),
and now, at TRIP '98 (The Real Italian Party 1998), we release it.
This is our first program in C++ (really the first, so we used WGT 5.1, eheh!)
Why we have called the MD, Isolation? There is no reason, it sounds well!

Zipped file: drm-ismd.zip

Unzipped files:

 isomd.exe       267KB     -    The Executable
 isomd.dat      1,12MB     -    Graphic of IsoMD
 isomd.txt        10KB     -    This info file
 dreamers.nfo      5KB     -    Dreamers Info file
 file_id.diz       1KB     -    File_id.diz file
 dos4gw.exe         KB     -    The Watcom C++ 11.0 dos4gw
 intro.xm        248KB     -    Intro song of IsoMD 
 reality.xm      332KB     -    Songs
 thunder.xm      245KB     -    Songs
 sphtrain.xm     425KB     -    Songs
 future.xm       882KB     -    Songs
 nuclear.xm      748KB     -    Songs
 isolation.xm    321KB     -    Songs
 dedtoyou.xm     384KB     -    Songs
 dims.xm         448KB     -    Songs


             -  iDX4-100 Mhz (Pentium or K6 recommended)
             -  8 MB of RAM
             -  MIDAS compatible sound card (Sound Blaster, GUS, etc.)
             -  SVGA card

  Yes! There are some bugs!

             -  I have tried the preview on Neurotix's computer with
                the GUS Max Ultrasound and the songs don't run. 
                I don't know why, and I can't try because I don't have
                a GUS! Sorry, I'll try to fix it!

             -  The VR-Meter in the songs Isolation, Dream in my soul
                and Dedicated to you doesn't seem to work correctly, 
                I don't know why only in this three songs! Boh! :)


 R E A L I T Y                     Dream Progressive           5:47
 T H U N D E R                     Techno Progressive          4:35
 S P A N I S H  T R A I N          Dream Progressive           4:12
 F U T U R E  D I M E N S I O N    Trance                      4:50
 N U C L E A R  Z O N E            Trance Progressive          4:57
 I S O L A T I O N                 Relaxation                  3:57
 D E D I C A T E D  T O  Y O U     Musica leggera              5:11
 D R E A M  I N  M Y  S O U L      Soft Rock                   3:50
                                             Total Playtime:  37:19


  - Italian groups
      DeathStar, TBT, CBR, Tequila, JapoTek, USE, Chaotic Visions
      and all italian scene groups

  - Italian sceners
      Jova, Dustbin, Neurotix, It-Alien, Swan, Feymour, Enfis, Yello'73, 
      CDS, Froyd, ZioBit, Dx0, FGF, BitStorm, Xenon, Jazzy, Pedro, Technolord
      Hellbender, Gecco, Susanna and all on IRC #demo-ita

  - And a Big Thkx to MATLEY/TBT (Are you happy, now? ehehehe!!!!!)  
    for his great support.

Why we thkx only the Italian Scene?
 IT'S SIMPLE!!!  I T A L I A N  S C E N E  R U L E Z Z Z ! ! ! ! 
 F U C K  T H E  R E S T  O F  T H E  W O R L D ! ! ! ! 

How to contact us:
    Website:     http://freepage.logicom.it/dreamers
    E-mail:      l.convertito@isnet.it
    Snail-mail:  Convertito Lorenzo (LORYS)
                 VIA ENZO FIORITTO N.8
                 71100   FOGGIA   ITALY
    IRC:         Lorys^DRM or Thor^DRM on #demo-ita and sometimes on #tgm
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