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Die kleine Hosenposaune by SquoQuo [web]

       _____            ____
      / ___/____ ______/ __ \__ _____
    __\ \/ _ / // / _ / /_/ / // / _ \
   /____/\_  \____\___\___\_\____\___/
          / /                     n8y
  »-________                ________-»
      | Die kleine Hosenposaune  |
  _-»»»»»»»» -____________- »»»»»»»»-_
 |                                    |
 | CODE: Hopper                       |
 |                                    |
 | ABOUT: Short glitchtro to celebrate|
 |        25 years of SquoQuo         |
 |        1 byte per year should be   |
 |        enough for everyone         |
 |        Revision 2017               |
 |                                    |
 | No real Ataris  were harmed during |
 |      the making of this intro      |
 |      Wieners should be shown       |
 |          at full length            |
 |                                    |
 | REQUIRES: Standard Atari XL/XE     |
 |                                    |
 | GREETINGS:Metalvotze, Nuance, T$,  |
 |           anti, Speckdrumm, Toxie, |
 |           Stroboholics, TRSI, JAC! |
 |           Mercury (we did it ;-)   |
 |           Headcrash, Hitmen, G*P   |
 |           Pandacube, DSS           |
 |           and all we forgot (again)|
 |                                    |
 | contact: squoquo@squoquo.de        |
 | website: http://squoquo.de         |
 |                                    |

Full source code (6 byte executable header are added automatically)
	org $4000
	lda $d40b		; get the line number
	tax				; and use it as mask for sound registers
	eor $14			; get the frame counter
	sta $d013,y		; store it in random GTIA registers
	shx	$d200,y		; AND a and x and put it in random pokey registers
	ora $13			; put in some variation by using the 2nd timer
	tay				; use this as the next random index
	bpl loop		; and flip between the glitchy part...
	bmi	loop+3		; ...and the more quiet part by skipping the line number part half of the time
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