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Birth of a Star by Extream

Birth of a Star

by Emphii & VonDemus

Short introduction.
Base of this song was written by Emphii with Ace Tracker 2
on his Atari Falcon 030.

After hearing the song and being eager to do music mixed to
pcm sound mr. VonDemus took tracks in hold and added more
instruments with FL-Studio 10. He did great additions based to
Emphii's thoughts and remixed the song sweetly by honoring the

Used VST-plugins are: Nexus, Omnisphere, RealLPC and Shreddage
X via Shredder Solo amplifier preset of Guitar Rig 5.

This song was intented to participate at Silly Venture 2k16
party, but due to some problems it couldn't be played there.

Thanks for every voters anyway. ;)

Sincerely Yours,
	Emphii / Extream & VonDemus
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