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<DRiLLER by Adapt [web]

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                         ________ :         ________        ___________
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            -- ------\_________\     /    /_______\   /_____//____\-tR!------>
                              /__________/      /______\
                                  :       A D A P T
                                  :          -=-
                                  :     Assembly 2015
                                        " <DRiLLER "

                                   Code      -=-  Deepr
                                   Graphics  -=-  Mistral
                                   Graphics  -=-  Legend
                                   Graphics  -=-  Deepr
                                   Graphics  -=-  Felor
                                   Graphics  -=-  Basscadet
                                   Music     -=-  Basscadet
                                   Music     -=-  Minomus
                                   Ascii     -=-  Threaz/Twisted

	Deepr started about 2 weeks ago the sequel of new engine + toolset improvements
	since Revision 2015. 
	So this is the second production coming out of that toolset!
	Using Adapted GNU Rocket (Kusma, deepr will send you teh mods!),
	OpenGL 4.x, QT/QML Scripting, Rodeo and deep driller <3 love.

         Greetings to:
      Accession - Byterapers - Brainstorm - CNCD - Dekadence - DSS - NPLI - Portal Process 
      Traction - Kewlers - MFX - TRSI - Twisted - GIN - Bilotrip - Trilobit - Matt Current
      Parallax - Ksylitol - Complex - TPOLM - Odelay - Pixheli - Damones - JML - DCS
      Synesthetics - FIT - SQNY - promille deZign - K2 - Ananasmurska - HBC - G-Cluster - Peisik
      Roisto - Paraguay - Avaruus
      And all we met at the Assembly and all we have forgotten (very sorry!).

      Special love greetings for our lovely wifes, dogs and cats!!!

   , .   , __ __
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