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ChiptuneBlaster by Jürgen Wothke

Chiptune Blaster is a WebAudio based player for synthesized electronic music 
produced by the sound chips of vintage computers, video game consoles, and arcade machines.

The player uses a plugin-design that allows it to be extend with various "backend" engines. 
This page combines the capabilities of 9 different "backends" (AdPlug, ASAP, HighlyExperimental, 
sc68, TinyRSid, UADE, vgmPlay, XMP, ZXTune) which means that it will recognize and play about 
400 different music file formats (see format overview here: 

Drag&Drop your song files directly on the jukebox to play them. (The initial "backend" 
selection here is based on the filename extension and you have to make sure that your 
music file has a recognized filename.)

I am listing this page in the "demotool" section since it might be useful for people 
engaged in Web remake stuff. Downloading the page should not be a problem, but anyone
looking for the C/C++ sourcecode will find that in github: https://github.com/wothke
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