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mndrn by Mandarine [web]

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\__|     \__|\__|  \__|\_______/ \__|  \__|\__|  \__|
by Mandarine at Tokyo Demo Fest 2015

## Credits

  Code & Music : med
  Logo + 3D Mesh + Help  : fra

## With the help of

  Main idea come from kaneel when he showed me his & psenough/tpolm (@psenough) demojs entry 2012

## lib
  audio player : Flod JS (@photonstorm) https://github.com/photonstorm/FlodJS
  3d engine : Threejs (@mrdoob) https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js

compressor :
  pnginator : @grassman
  compiler : med @funkymed
  file2base64 : med @funkymed

## BONUS Try the REST parameters below
  quality=low normal high ultrahigh
  color=0 to 5

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