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tiny snow

Tiny Snow                                     July 6, 2001
Version 1.1                                      20:28 EST
Original code by comrade     Optimized by comrade and SSJ3
History                 06/07/2001 20:28 EST (version 1.1)
 * Removed random data checking routine.
 * Combined drawing and updating.
 * Size down to 95 bytes.
 * Project renamed to  Tiny  Snow  from Snow-123, as it is
   not 123 bytes anymore.
This snow simulation is a  whopping   95 bytes! Written in
pure x86 assembly, assembled and linked with Borland Turbo
Assembler 5, this   95-byte  COM  file is truly an amazing
work of art. First  optimized  down  to  160 bytes we were
doubtful about it  going  any  lower. Then, already at 141
bytes, our comrade Serge  has  suggested to remove palette
initialization.  The   extra   bytes   of  the  code  were
eventually hunted down and the bare minimum 123 were left.
That was yesterday. Today, Friday morning, comrade managed
to get the size down to 95 bytes! Truly, unbelievable!
This program  comes  with  absolutely  no  warranty of any
kind. Use this program solely  at your risk. The author of
this  program  will  not  be   held  responsible  for  any
damages caused by this program.
  E-mail: comrade2k@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.comrade64.com/
     IRC: #coders on EFnet
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