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Putty Squad AGA Cracktro

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...:->   Putty Squad [AGA] System 3   <- :...
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|cracktro release by Galahad! in 2013 Amiga .
`--- -- -  -   -      -      -   -  - -- ---'

Hello folks, this is a little 'easter egg' cracktro
I did for Putty Squad AGA from System 3, which was
finally released on December 24th 2013, goto 
www.system3.com for more details.

This is just a small intro, its not specifically AGA
at all, it will run 'just' on an ECS machine, but if 
your ECS machine is 020+, then it'll probably work

Music by Joegeir Liljedahl which I found out afterwards!

Everything else by me, yes dammit, I admit to it!

Regards, Galahad (Fairlight)

P.s. This is NOT a Fairlight release!

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