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THREAD by Ribbon [web]

                             T H R E A D


                            p01 / ribbon

                    MSDOS 15 bytes intro
                      December 19th 2013


  15 bytes implementation of the famous
 C64 BASIC one-liner program:

 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

 My implementation is trivial.
 There must be a few bytes to gain.
 Come on!

 THREAD OVER reached 12 bytes on C64

thread: ;/\/\\\//\/\//\//////\//\/\\//\/
mov dl,'/' ;\/\/\\//\//\///\/////\\///\\
in al,41h ;//\\\\///\///\\//\\\/\/\\\///
aaa ;\\\/\//\\/\\\/\\////////\\//\//\/\\
jp print ;\//\///\//\\/\////\\\//\//\\\/
mov dl,'\' ;\\\//\//\/\\//\////\\\\///\\
print: ;/\/\\\\//\\///\\//\\///\//\/\/\\
mov ah,02h ;\//\////\//\\////\////\/\/\/
int 21h ;/\/\///\\\\\//\//\\\\/\////\///
jmp thread ;\///\/\\///\\/\///\\//\\\\//


 4mat, Wisdom, Skate, Frag, HellMood and
everyone pushing the limits with style!


  Joy & Vida

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