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Nibbler 1.02 by Scoopex [web]


Nibbler Version 1.02, release date: 2013-12-16


7 files in a folder named Nibbler102:

readme.txt	This file.
exetest.nib	A compressed relocatable executable that flickers screen colors
		until the left mouse button is pressed.
Nibble		Command to compress a file to a .nib file.
Denibble	Command to decompress a .nib file to a file or execute it.
Denibbler102.S	Source of Denibbler102.bin, with assembly options.
Denibbler102-Example.S	Example showing how to use the above source or binary.
Denibbler102.bin	Decompression binary that can be included with a 
			compressed demo and called to decompress it.


Copy Nibble and Denibble to your C: folder.


The Nibbler data compression and decompression software was written by Henrik 
Erlandsson and is Copyright © 2013 bitBrain Studios. All rights reserved.

It works like other compressors except decompression speed surpasses 150KB/s, 
which is typically more than 5 times faster than conventional compressors. 
This makes it useful for on-the-fly decompression of graphics and audio, 
or any applications requiring or wanting quick decompression, such as 
compressing executables to be run from floppy. Compression ratios are 
comparable to lha, unlike conventional compressors used for such purposes.


Everyone is free to copy and distribute this package to anyone, on the 
condition that the package is unmodified and includes this license.

The executables in this package are free for non-commercial use on the 
Commodore Amiga only. The decompression source and binary is free for use as 
part of demo productions on the Commodore Amiga only. For all other uses, 
read/get your license at bitbrain.se.

Nibble is used to compress a file to another file, adding the .nib suffix.
Denibble is used to decompress a .nib file, removing the suffix.

Each command has options, to see them run them from the command line without 


Denibble has a special option to execute whatever has been decompressed. The 
executable must not be an object file, it must be relocatable, and it will be 
decompressed to any type of memory available.

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