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Quietschi Bunti - the (misheard?) lyrics by Loonies [web]

Loonies present

Quietschi Bunti - the (misheard?) lyrics

A 4k parody of "Quietschi Bunti" by Nuance

for the 4k intro competition at Kindergarden 2012


Sound: Chock / Nuance
Reverse engineering, lyrics interpretation, visuals: Blueberry


"Quietschi Bunti", a 4k intro released at Demodays 2012,
featured a synthetic singing voice, but due lack of on-screen
lyrics, it was a bit hard to hear what exactly it was singing.
This intro seeks to rectify that. :)

Legal note:

The original intro was released under the Creative Commons
by-nc-nd 3.0 license, which prohibits derivative works. It
specifically prohibits using a thus licensed sound work from
being used as soundtrack for another visual work. Excepted
from this prohibition are instances of "fair use", of which
one example is a parody, i.e. a work which includes a
(possibly substantial) part of the original work in order to
comment on the original work. It is my firm belief that this
intro qualifies as a parody by this definition and thus can
be considered a fair use of the original material.

Apologies anyway. ;)
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