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V2 Collection Streamer

V2 Collection Streamer NFO file

Hello Sceners!

I´m proud to present you my personal Farbrausch V2 Synthesizer composings & 3rd party favourites, alltogether in one musicdisc. For coding help I need to thank magic_h2001 at this point, who helped to realize this. And I also need to thank kb for this awsome synth!

If you want to listen this music WITHOUT my streamer do the following:

- Download XRipper by At4re
- Download xmplay by Ian Luck
- Download the in_v2m.dll here: http://1337haxorz.de/drugs/farbrausch_v2_plugins_1.5.zip
- place the in_v2m.dll into the xmplay application directory
- select the process in XRipper while running the musicdisc
- right click on the found files and save them
- play the .v2m files with xmplay
- to convert the files into Wave just go in xmplay to "Options and stuff" -> "Output" -> "WAV Writer - normalize", click "apply", start playback and save the file.

Last but not least I want to note, that all .v2m files are played directly from the program itself WITHOUT any local extraction and the music is generated in real time (the music files only contain note data and patch data to generate the oscillations), which is really cool. :)

Enjoy this release and share if you like it!


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