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Fix by Xenon Development

█                  X E N O N   D E V E L O P M E N T                 █
█                                                                    █
▄                  "Fix"  - Unfinished party release                 ▄
▄                                                                    ▄

  A hasty "thing" put together for the Tonstad Party (13-15 Oct. 95)

                            Axon : Code/Font/3D objects
                          Mike X : Music
                            Void : GFX
                         Triumph : GFX
                         Xenon D : Design

▀   Requirements..                                                   ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  This "thing" requires a GUS card to run. This is because we think
  one of the things that make this "thing" worth seeing, is the
  syncronization of the effects to the music.
  Maybe (_just_ maybe!) we will include SB support in the final
  "thing".. Maybe..

  It also require approximately 512kb to run.

▀   About this "thing"..                                             ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  This "thing" was originally planned as a 64kb intro, but when we
  heard there were no separate 64kb compo, but only 4kb and demo, we
  decided to "fuck the Kb limit".. So, this release turned out to
  be a quite large "thing". So what? :)

  Afterwards, at the party, we was told that there WAS going to be
  a 64kb intro compo, and no 4kb compo.

▀   About the code..                                                 ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  Most of the code in here, is absolutely NOT optimized. Lack of
  time, lack of inspiration, lazyness, etc.. Just wanted to have a
  few routines and throw 'em together in an intro. We know that a lot
  of things could have been done better, been more optimized, etc,
  etc, etc, but fuck it. We don't care.. Because of this, the 'thing'
  is a bit bigger than it had to be..

  In the end of the week, I started getting pretty bored, so I
  didn't really _work_ too much on it.. But.. Here it is anyway. At
  least a release!

  BTW; OS/2 and especially Win*.* doesn't like our 70Hz Timer Interrupt,
  or so it seems.. As if the interrupt doesn't get executed at 70hz. So,
  run this "thing" in pure DOS!

▀   About the music..                                                ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  A 12ch MOD by Mike X put together a couple of days before the
  party. A lot of time went into the timing with the routines in the
  "thing", just to make the whole experience of watching it greater.

  BTW: Whoever manages to rip it, gets a free lollipop!  ;)

▀   About the graphics..                                             ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  The font is "drawn" in a real hurry by Axon just to _have_ a font.

  The "Dead Bear" piccy is drawn by Void.. We hope he will get a
  proper computer to work on in the future, so he can make some
  GFX for us.

  The "Lady" piccy is drawn by Triumph long time ago. But we think
  it is so coOol that we just had to use it.

  The final release of this "thing" will feature some great GFX
  by TMK/Inf (in only 8 colours!). We got the graphics from TMK in
  time, but due to lack of time before the deadline, we couldn't
  include it in the party release.

  We must once more say that we are desperately seeking good
  GFX artists. How to contact us is described at the end of this

▀   About everything else..                                          ▀
▀                                                                    ▀

  Axon     : The Norwegian PC Demo scene SUX! Compare the BEST
             release ever from Norway (on PC), with anything from any
             other country... You see..? May this not last forever!

  Mike X   : May FastTracker II rule forever!!!  ;)

  ZorgMan  : Some words of wisdom from me... Never EVER (ab)use windoze,
             not any version! OS/2 rules!

  From all : We send a BIG cheer to Bente and Tor-Helge (Axon), and
             their son Sondre (Axon Jr.?), who was born on the 12th
             October 1995 at 03:03 am.

▀   How to contact us..                                              ▀
▀                                                                    ▀
  We are glad for comments/letters from fans all over the world ;))
  Here are the email addresses to some of the members in Xenon
  Development (actually those of us who have an email address).
  Feel free to take contact..

               Axon            axon@skribenten.bbs.no
               Hobbes          hobbes@interlink.no
               Mike X          mika@skribenten.bbs.no
               ZorgMan         joakimn@colargol.idb.hist.no

        or you can do it the analogue way..

               Haavard Engum (Hobbes)
               Stokkanhaugen 164
               7048 Trondheim

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