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wikireadersim by Fugue [web]

WikiReader Forth Simulator

Written by Greg "fugue" Santucci in 2011, using the FICL Forth implementation.

Apart from being a 4GB text only offline version of Wikipedia, the WikiReader comes with a fun feature where it can run any Forth programs which are placed on its internal mini SD card. I wrote this program so I could test my small Forth programs without having to swap the mini SD card in and out repeatedly. The current version can run most of the test programs exactly as they appear on the SD card very faithfully. This app uses a Forth interpreter provided by the open source embeddable Forth implementation FICL (http://ficl.sourceforge.net/), and it works by providing device specific words as callbacks to a simulated WikiReader. It implements enough now to be useful, including the framebuffer functions, GDI functions (including text rendering using the device's font) and input functions, so I'm releasing it.

The hardware keys are mapped as follows:

"Search" - Q
"History" - W
"Random" - E

Send any comments or questions to Greg at this address: thecodewitch@gmail.com

More information here:


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