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Twisted by neuro/concept [web]

========================== T W I S T E D ===========================
                          breakpoint 2010

 produced, directed and composed by ........ Jan C. "jco" Obergfell
 didgeridoo played by ........................ Fedor Vitus Thadeusz

 shot at Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Germany
 recording and postproduction: aurevis media studios
 completely made within 4 days

 file format:
 h264 / AAC (plays in vlc media player, PS3 compatible)
 1280x720 25p
 effect notes:
 music  ticks  with 93,75 BPM, that  is exactly 16  frames per beat.
 the neuro.concept logo  should  be flashing in sample-precise sync.

 all  footage is created from  stills (~3800)  using temporal inter-
 polation techniques.
 the  long  flyby  consists of 670 photos (yes, i pulled the trigger 
 670 times, each time moving the tripod a little).

  (c) 2010 - neuro.concept
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