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Demo Template 01 by GamerzPlanet [web]

               ________       __________ 
              /  _____/_______\______   \
             /   \  ___\___   /|     ___/
             \    \_\  \/    / |    |    
              \______  /_____ \|____|  since 2003 
                     \/      \/         
  GamerzPlanet - For all your online gaming needs

         GzP Demo-Template 01 by EvilKing.
    I hope some people like this, it's the first
             demo-app I ever wrote.

   I used delphi for this one because I had some
             problems with Dev-C++.
  However, I plan to use C++ for future releases.

  Thanks to 8bitbubsy for some nice inspirations!


    Group Greetings to:

    Special Greetings to:
  	Razor1911       -+-  Dubmood
  	Titan	        -+-  8bitbubsy
  	CLASS	        -+-  maktone
        CLASS           -+-  buzz


   GamerzPlanet is not a warez group, don't even
         think about begging us for any.
     We're a game hacking, botting and cheating
     community and come up with some cool hacks
                every now and then.

     For open staff positions, check the forums.


     EvilKing - GamerzPlanet Global Moderator

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