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Peyote by Proxium [web]

______/\___/\ .______/\  _____.__.__./\
\_____  \___ \|  ___/  \/  ___|  |  |  \ /\
  |  ___/ _ _/|  |  |\    /|  |  |  |   /  \
  |  \ |  |  \|  |  |/    \|  |  |  | \  /  \
  |_  /|__|_  /___  /__/\  /__|___  /__\/_  /
          Chaos Construction'2000
             64Kb intro compo
                first place

           <Windows'XX version>

               MMX required!
   read .nfo file for some hidden buttons!

 -= Features =-

 intro with sense!
 2 high quality songs, 2 parts!
 8 megabytes of textures!
 keyframed 3d scenes!
 rgb shaded, multitextured, alpha blended poligons!
 4 different 320x200x32b pictures between parts!
 software rendering still works in 2000!

 -= Buttons (realtime) =-

 'M' - Motion blur On/Off
 'Z' - ZX-Spectrum emulator On/Off ;)
 '+' - Increase sound volume
 '-' - Decrease sound volume


 Asman      50%  (all except two 2D effects)
 Mr.Dsteuz  50%  (sample renderer, texture processor, almost all ideas,
                  texture mappers, some procedures)

 B/W Logo by GreenPix7//Unv


 1st song:


 2nd song:

 Markoo's   50%
 Mc.Floyd   50%

 both from *Neoris*

 E-Mail: neoris@mail.ru

 Bass Sound System by Ian Luck

 Recommended:  PIII500 CPU
               32Mb Ram
               Direct-X 800x600x32(24) bits video mode

 -= Contacts =-

 Fido             2:5020/1815.23
 Internet page    http://www.proxium.org
 E-Mail           dsteuz@mail.ru (dsteuz@mailru.com)

                         ::   ._____.             ______:           .____
  __________ _____  __________\\    |____     ___ \     |_________  |   (__
 \\    .____|   __))      __    \__ |    |__(( _/__\    |    |    \/       |
  |_      __    _    ___________    .  _/                             _____|
    (_____) |___|    \         //___|     ________________________   / cph_
                |_____\             |____\\                       \ /       .
                      `                                            '        |
                 ::  ----\\ p r o x i u m  i n f o //----                   |
                             .                                              >
                            _|______.____________|_                    ::   |
                             |                   |                          l
::                          : Peyote 64k (win'xx) :                         l
                           ..|_ _________.____ __|_                         l
                             (__________________))                          l
                ________________________._ ______________________
   ____|________))                                              //        __|
 __)   |  ::|                                                   |_______((__.
  |  c r e d i t s :                                            |           l
 _|____     |                                                   |           l
  |    )____|.     Code:  Asman, Mr.Dsteuz                      l           l
            |      Music: Markoo's, Mc.Floyd                    |           |
            :                                                   |           |
            l                                                   >           |
            >                                                   |           i
            |                                               ____|           :
      ______|_______   ::            ______________________\\   l           .
     (___)  |      ((_______________))                          i
       |                                                        i           |
   ____|________))                                              i           |
 __)   |  ::|                                                   :           |
  |  r e q u i r e s :                                          .        :: |
 _|____     |                                                   .           l
  |    )____|.     Pentium III 500 processor                                |
  |                32Mb memory free                                         |
  |                Direct-X                                                 >>>
  l                                                                         |
  l                                                                         l
  |___________                                                              l
  (___________\\\_______________                   ______._____ _.__________l
                       _________\\               //_________        :
                   ___\\                                   //___    :
    ____|________))  ________________ __ ____________ _ __ __   ((__: __ ___
  __)   |  ::|                                                              |
   |  a c t u a l m e m b e r s :                                           |
  _|____     |                                                              >
   |    )____|.    Alias:             Job:            Age:                  |
             |                                                              |
             l     Asman         Coder                 20                   :
             |     Mr.Dsteuz     Coder, Organizer      22                   |
             |     Dr.Longman    Not active            23                   i
             |                                                              i
             |                                                              |
           __|__ _._______________ _._________._____ _.____________  ____ __|
 ::          |
  (__ _ |  ::|                                                       :::::
   |  r e l e a s e s :
  _|____     |
 (_|  __|____|__________________________________________________________
      |                                                               ((_____
      |  For enjoyment:                                                     |
      |                                                                     |
     <<  prmintr1.zip   03.12.96   Our First intro at PC machines !         |
      |  prmintr2.zip   13.04.97   Second -//-                              |
      |  prmintr3.zip   17.05.97   Third  -//-                              |
      |  prmintr4.zip   22.09.97   Fourth -//-                              |
      |  prmintr5.zip   10.01.98   Fifth  -//-                              |
      |  nicewrld.zip   11.05.98   Generation next intro                    |
      l  x-ray#0.zip    05.07.98   New magazine about demoscene issue #0    |
      i  xr_intro.zip   24.07.98   X-Ray invitation intro                   |
      i  x-ray#1.zip    28.01.99   X-Ray issue #1                           |
      i  zest.zip       25.06.00   Oldstyle intro                           |
      i  m_final.zip    09.07.00   Majestic final version + source code     |
      i  renderer.zip   21.07.00   Renderer SDK v1.0                        |
      i  swop_src.zip   07.08.00   Swop 64Kb intro source code              |
      i  nervesrc.zip   12.11.00   Nerve 64Kb intro source code             |
      i  peyote_w.zip   18.11.00   Peyote 64Kb Windows'XX version           |
      i                                                                     |
      i  Party:                                                             |
      l                                                                     |
      |  majestic.zip     4Kb      intro at Bytefall'97 (hit second place)  >
      |  products.zip     512b     intro at Bytefall'97 (hit third place)   |
     _|  100hmode.zip     128b     intro at Bytefall'97 (hit second place)  |
    :    blobs!.zip       512b     intro at Bytefall'99 (hit second place)  :
    ;    waves!.zip       128b     intro at Bytefall'99 (hit fourth place)  :
    ;    elusive.zip      4Kb      intro at Bytefall'99 (hit second place)  :
    :    swop.zip         64Kb     intro at Bytefall'99 (hit second place)  |
    :    nerve.zip        64Kb     intro at CC'999      (hit first place)   |
    :    peyote.zip       64Kb     intro at CC'000      (hit first place)   |
                                               ; ::
   ____|___________________ __________________ : _______________
 __)   |  ::|              ((__________________:_______________))__
  |  g r e e t i n g s :                                           ((_  __ __
 _|____     |                                                               |
  |    )____|.     T-Rex  DDT Entertainment  QMG  Nephelims  Sense          |
            |___   Hellraiser  Bytefall  Virtual Illusions  SandS           |
               |                                                            |
               i                                                            |
               ((_____________ ________,________________________________ _ _|
         ___________________________  ________    ________________________  :
   _____(___________________________) \\______)) (________________________))i
  (__ _ |  ::|                                                              |
   |  c o n t a c t u s :                                                   |
  _|____     |                                                   ::         |
 (_|    |____|--// Fido:   2:5020/1815.23                                   |
                |  E-mail: dsteuz@mail.ru                                   |
                |                                                           |
                |  I-net page: www.proxium.org (proxium.da.ru)              |
                |                                                           |
                |                                                     ______|
                           ___                 .
                           i info file design  .
                           :        by         :
                           . cyberpunch (rib)  i
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