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Abduction '96 sildeshow by Interamnia

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       Here it is finally - Abduction96 sildeshow! Hmm.. this was meant to
       be released about 3 weeks after the party, but because of something
       we "had" to delay this few weeks. Sorry.

       Word about party itself - party as a PARTY ruled, but competitions
       SUCKED!! Lots of crappy productions and so. Especially in music compo.
       Almost every tune that were played, were bum-bum-yo-breakbeat! techno,
       and some great masterpieces, like Sulphurs, Yolks and T.O.Bs, were
       voted out of the compo! Rumors say that musicjury contained about 1 or
       2 scenedudes, and rest n+1 members were localdudes and their girlfriends.
       Also theres been rumors about cheating in musiccompo - 3 last tunes
       what were played in compo, were done by organizers, and were NOT choiced
       by the jury!

       But anyway - atleast I had lots of fun during the party. But I also hope
       that Abduction97 will be much better than this was.

       Have fun with slideshow!  and blaaablaaa..

       PS:  READ THE "How to use this?"-section whats included in this file!!

       singed:  PRIMON


    How to use this?
      There's various options in the slideshow, and you may select
      them while watching it:

     cursor left ...................................  Next picture
    cursor right ...................................  Previous picture

             G## ...................................  Goto desired
                                                      (##) picture

           1/2/3 ...................................  Select between
                                                      three different
                                                      rastering model
             4/5 ...................................  Select between
                                                      320x600 50Hz and
                                                      320x600 70Hz
                                                      graphics modes

 pageup/pagedown ...................................  Adjust the screen

              F1 ...................................  Gives online help
              F2 ...................................  Shows short descripts
                                                      of the pictures
           F2+## ...................................  Shows short descripts,
                                                      Goes to desired picture.
           F3/F4 ...................................  Turns crossfading ON/OFF
              F5 ...................................  Shows you the
                                                      background picture
                                                      without anything on
                                                      on it.

             Esc ...................................  Gets you out of the
                                                      helppage, backgroundpage
                                                      and out of the slideshow

        HINT: Turn crossfade option ON if pictures seem to roll too fast
              when using cursorkeys.


    Coders' comments:
      This loads everything in memory in the beginning and gives
      information about the memory allocation and loading process.
      You will need about 6 megs of memory to run this slideshow,
      however, if you choose nosound, you will need less extended
      memory (about 370kb less). Sorry if you have 4mb. really.

      Huh. After packing the executable file, i noticed it was
      only 25kb. heh. I thought it might look a pretty rude,
      so i added the overlayer after it and now the .exe is almost
      4 megs. :)

      My 320x600x256 mode routines need a shitload of gfx processing
      power (okay, my routines sucks, but anyway..),  so you'll
      need a fast computer (a 486 preferably) and a good gfx board
      to really enjoy this. And a GUS, of course. With a faster
      computer you may turn on the crossfading by pressing F3.
      (F4 turns it off again). It of course works with any kind of
      computer, but believe me, its hell with a 486/33 and with
      an ISA-trident... ;-)

      Thanks to:        Tran           for the PMODE v2.4 header
                        Asmu/Wildlight for the WTMIK, s3m-player
                        Liket/Goto10   for all the kinky gfxmodes
                        Virne/Coma     for the musicsetup routine

      For funny coders chat, write/mail me, but please notify that
      i am going to the military service 9th July 1996, so i won't
      be able to check my email too often. And real letters rule
      anyway :) So, send mail to my home address and i will let
      you know about the address to the hell as soon as i know it
      myself. Jaa ett„ vituttaako v„h„n?!?!?!?!

      Want to support me? Then send me something useful, like
      empty batteries, candy wrappers, beer, money?, condoms,
      CDs, letter bombs, shit, anything. Just fucking anything
      you can imagine. And i will be grateful forever. right. :)

      Greetit kaikille jotka olitte dokaamassa The Porno '96:lla.
      Ehk„ parhaat partyt t„h„n menness„? (ainakin palkintojen
      puolesta ;)

    Primons' comment:



                    code     excrement
                gfx,font     fume
                   music     dune/orange
                   fotos     primon, riot/barrier
            descriptions     primon

                   pmode     tran
                gfxmodes     liket/goto10
                  player     asmu/wildlight



      acidrain, antares, barrier, bombsquad, byterapers, cascada, cncd,
      coc, #coders, #cokers, coma, coolproductions, complex, coral,
      damones, doomsday prods, drone, emf, exotic men, gender-8, goto10,
      halcyon, hirmu, imphobia, jamm, kosmic, mfx, mindprobe, misery,
      mist, moz[ic]art, orange, plant, prime, proxima, pulse, purple,
      skraappa, splat!, stonecutters, symptom, tbl, tpolm, ump, virtual
      visions, wildlight, yodel, xes

    + everyone we've forgot..


    Reach the authors at:

    Primon                                          Excrement
    ------                                          ---------
    Heikki Halme                                    Antti Svenn
    Likolampi2                                      Satum„entie 5
    59100 Parikkala                                 59100 Parikkala
    Finland                                         Finland

    halme@direktor.voima.jkl.fi                     naali@ville.ton.tut.fi
    irc: primon                                     irc: naali

...interamnia - ei panttia, ei palautusta...
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