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Bill G Force 2 by Trepaan [web]

|                                     |
à        Trepaan brings ya...         ³
³                                     :
|          BILL G FORCE 2             |
:                                     !
³   download this and stay alive,     Æ
³  or don't, and feel Sjaak's knife.  |
|                                     ³
 (x'96 compo version)

Everyone who has a windows-install in c:\windows runs the risk of
win.com getting trepanated.
This normally does not happen with winNT, win2K, WinXP.
Standard this can happen for Win95 and Win98 (win3.x ?)

it ONLY trepanates c:\windows\win.com. This does NOT happen when win.com is in another directory. Nor is this "trojan" a memory resident program. it only happens once while running the intro.

This is a small Trojan that was PURPOSELY built in this intro. It was made in 1995 when Windows was still not globally accepted in the scene as a Demo-OS ! Therefor, Windows was the target of this intro.

A good fix is either backing up your win.com to win.bak and copying it back to win.com after this intro.
The original fix is also made by the same intro makers but was only released some time after the intro release. It is a command line option, since you can't boot in windows, you start with a commandline...

goto your c:\windows

type this, it is CASE SENSITIVE !


NB1: Do not type the comma's ! These are used to show how many spaces you need in the commandline string.

In other words, you type:

first "win"
then 3 times the <SPACE> (your spacebar-key)
then "TREPAAN"
then 1 <SPACE>
then "RULEERT"
then 1 more <SPACE>

yes ! thits it.. fixed. no bytes resident in your win.com

BUT ! There is one catch ! Some command (enhanced) command shells, like 4DOS and 4NT trim ending spaces from command strings. So the ending <SPACE> from the commandline fix will be cut off. THEN it will not work.
Make sure you have a normal DOS or Windows 95 DOS. Windows 98 DOS will probably work too, but it is not tested.

You happy ?

Trepaan Did it once again !
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