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Ekologik by Factor 6

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|             F A C T O R 6              |
.                                        .

           + E K O L O G I K +

   - a demo presented at Forever9 party
     held on 14.-16.3.2008, Trencin, SK

   - because of some unexpected issues
     this demo can have different timimg
     when using different Speccy clones

   - tested on 128K, grey +2, rubber 48K

   This demo should work on any firm ZX
   Spectrum 48K (with AY for music)  or
   128 Spectrum.

   Many thanks must go to YERZMYEY/H-PRG
   for his awesome music!

   Greetings to: Yerzmyey, Gasman,
   C-Jeff, TDM, P0KE, Omega, diZZy,
   logout, sweet, JSH, Tritol, X-agon,
   Shrek, Cygnus, Jiiira, Noby,
   icabod, LAesQ, D0K, Equinox, Bogie,
   dex, pinokio, LiSu, mikezt, ellvis,
   hellboj, Zilog, Busy, Noro, baze,
   dusky, hvge, ss, kerol, wixet,
   nik-o, siril, Justinas, karbofos,
   riskej, kyv, Tygrys, Megus, moran,
   evilpaul, 4mat, and all the others.

.  Thanks for watching!                  .
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