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pain #59 (12/07) final by Pain Staff [web]

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 \\\____/         \ \    \______//       / /    /\______/ ©pH           / /
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                     \/_______/              /   ´  P  A  I  N  ª    / /
                                            /     issue 12/07       / /
                                           /_______________________/ /
 http://pain.scene.org - issue #59 final
 Released at TUM 07 - 28 December 2007
 Final version released in January 30., 2008
 One year later, it is time for another issue of PAiN. Sitting here at
 TUM and finishing the last details.. The party is nice, Cowboy stuff
 all around. Whatever, you should not be reading info files now, but
 rather read the mag. Enjoy!

 requirements: win32, some fast cpu is recommended for the full pain.
               this of course also works with a slow cpu too. what did 
               you think, kid? it should even work with system emulators 
               like wine [linux] or virtual pc/parallels [f.e. macos].

 the team: unlock, p.doom, seven, dipswitch, ps, sir garbagetruck, ghandy,
           teis, kaneel, cosmic, netpoet, skyrunner, distance/lackluster
           - supported by fellow editors..
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