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Smooth_bOD by black.Olive

   |             |
   | ..Smooth..  |               |
   |   by black.Olive Democide   |
   |                             |
   |   Kohai        .Code        |
   |                .Fast Gfx    |
   |                .Music       |
   |                             |
   |   Sly          .End Logo    |
   |   of                        |
   |  MJD^Revelation             |
   |                             |
   |                             |
   |                             |
   |                      .0.    |
   |                             |
        Released @ 10.2001

 - Dx7 or higher
 - Gfx-Card that does some pixels 
   for optimal results
 - That's it !
 - Due to code lazyness, prefer 800.600 resolution 
   for smoothness & sync'

 - real thx to Sly for fast gfx-work
 - for other greets, look in the demo !
 - next time, i'll do some transitions !

 - this is a 'one-man-band' demo, so pliz consider. :)

 - Have a nice time ! 
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