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   		            LIMIT - FINAL VERSION
		       4kB-Intro for Mekka&Symposium'99
  			      by Blue & Hijacker

  The authors of this work accept no responsibility for any consequences of
  the use (or misuse) of this product, whether they be direct or indirect
  consequences of its use.
  - 386 CPU & 387 FPU required
  - PENTIUM133+ strongly recommended
  - about 400 KB Base-Memory
  - a VESA2.0 compatible GFX-card that supports 640*480*32bpp
    ( try UNIVBE (r) if you run into problems with that )
			        About the Intro

  This Intro was finished in only two days at Mekka&Symposium'99 ( MS99 ).
  It features:

	ú SVGA - TRUECOLOR - GFX in 4KB (640 x 480 x 32bpp) !
  	ú 32bit protected mode
	ú Animated Objects
	ú Dynamic Lightning & Camera moving
	ú Scene-Book
	ú Own Packer for Party-Version ( Decruncher is 122 Bytes )
	ú Coded in 100% assembler - using our own code only.
  The main difference between the final release and the party-version is that
  this version supports all possible configurations of memory and gfx-cards.
  (what means it should run well with raw, xms, dmpi, vcpi ...) and contains
  a lot of errorchecking and errormessages.
  For size-reasons the party-version was only able to run under DPMI (like it 
  is provided by WIN95 in the DOS-Box ) using a GFX-card with at least 
  2 MB VRAM accessable via LFB. There are no errormessages at all and only
  minimal error-handling - so if the party-version does not run you may have
  not the right configuration ...
  For these reasons the final-version is a lot bit bigger than the 4K-limit
  but you can enjoy the comfort ...


  > who did what ?

	 þ 3D - stuff
	 þ Debugger
	 þ Packer/Decruncher

	 þ ProtectedModeInterface
	 þ Grafics-Interface
	 þ Object-Generation

  > How to contact us ? 
     Write us an email:
	   Blue	    -  blue@cs.tu-berlin.de
	   Hijacker -  wagner@yager.de

  > We are still looking for a (good) musician ... 
    ... so if you are interrested - contact us !

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