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Dreams by eXtrait [web]

     __   ___             _ _
     \ \ / / |           (_) |
  ___ \ V /| |_ _ __ __ _ _| |
 / _ \/   \| __| '__/ _` | | __|
|  __/ /^\ \ |_| | | (_| | | |_ 
 \___\/   \/\__|_|  \__,_|_|\__|

a 64K intro presented by eXtrait
        at Function 2k7

Code: PiSTA, Martin
Gfx: AqTech, PiSTA
Music: PiSTA, Irwine


Fast PC, 256MB (free) RAM
GFX card with OpenGL 1.4 support


Few words:
We ran out of time a little bit.
So the intro may contain various
gfx related bugs.
No introtool was used.


We greet:

ASD, Fairlight, Conspiracy, IRIS
Kosmoplovci, Virtual Mind, TPOLM
Fresh!Mindworkz, The Black Lotus 
▄mlaⁿt Design, Farbrausch, Moppi 
Rebels, Racers, RGBA, Brainstorm
Synesthetics, Traction, Hardread
Equinox, MFX, Kewlers, Andromeda
Exceed, Coccon, Loonies, Plastic
CNCD, Orange, L.K.C.C., Kakiarts
Black Maiden,  Limp Ninja, Xplsv
Holograms, Youth Uprising,  TRSI
Mindlapse, Surprise! Productions
Astroidea, Madwizards, Up Rough!
Drifters,  Singular Crew,  Still
Neutron Team, Neurosis, and  all

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