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Xmass 2000 by apocalypse inc [web]

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 / xmastro 2000 / echte coder backen plätzchen!


Since i know that nobody, except of some true
oldskoolers (hi delax =), wants to read 100kb
and more of scroll-text, i'll deliver all the
blabla in this readme file..

SYS: 300MHz Machine, OpenGL, SoundCard, Windows

This xmastro was done in about 10 hours and is
a very tiny demo of the apocalypse-gl-engine
that will be fully presented in a 
gizmozone.com-release and a demo for mekka2001..

Muzik was done by c-frog^nature..
(I wasn't able to find his email-addy, but i
 hope he doesn't mind using his tune in this
 little production.. 8-)
Code/GFX/3D by myself (toxie^ainc.)..
The furry picture was made by bander^ainc..

Greetz fly to:
hopper/squoquo . bugger/squoquo . delax/sundancer .
jace/tbl . the ppl at shortcut . hellfire/haujobb .
flo/syracuse conspiracy . mecflai/eska . 2pac/zenith .
bitbreaker/metalvotze . kyp/black maiden .
all friends of the apocalypse i forgot und die
legendären informatiker der uni-ulm.. =)

Respectz to:
haujobb . aardbei . tbl . suburban . matrix .
popsy team . exceed . and all the active and
creative sceners of the world..

A very special MERRY XMAS to:
bander . em-cee . zuljin . biotic .

toxic avenger: toxie@ainc.de
bander:        bander@ainc.de
http:          www.ainc.de

signing off..
carsten aka toxie^ainc.
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