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8-Bit Wonderland by Kakiarts [web]

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                                              `b   `.
                                                `.   \.      www.kakiarts.de
             P R E S E N T S                     `.   `.
   " 8 - B I T   W O N D E R L A N D "             \    \
        A T   E V O K E   2 0 0 7                  |     |
                                                   |     |
      KeyJ: code, additional graphics             .'     ||
      gabi: graphics, debugging help              |      /
      dq:   music, debugging help                |     ,'
      special thanks to subc^drg                 `----''

Now that we finally have an engine capable of fancy shaders'n'stuff, we
still don't use all the bling: this demo runs even on the barest OpenGL 1.2
implementations. This doesn't mean that everything worked flawlessly,
though: we had to work around severe bugs in drivers from all three major
graphics vendors :(

This version has been tested on systems with nVidia, ATI and even Intel
graphics chips. Something at GeForce 6 or Radeon X level or above is

It has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Ubuntu 7.04, but it should
also work on every other non-ancient version of x86 Win32 and Linux operating
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