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PSP MilkyPlayer by Titan [web]

                        .                                     .

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    \_ \\\\_ /      /_|:::::\\\_ /      /      /            /      / tRASh\aWD
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    .    \___.'/                                                 .  ......
   ___     |              Titan Handheld Division                   : .  :
   \_      |                     presents                        :  : :..:
    |      :               MilkyPlayer for PSP                   |  :__
    |      .                                                    _:_ __/ _
    |                    Released on  09 / 03 / 07               :  |  /
    |   .                 at NUMERICA Demoparty                  .  | /
    |                                                               |/
    |                         ...credits...                         |
    |                                                               |
    |                             code:                             |
    |                            pailes                             |
    |                                                               |
    |                             gfx:                              |
    |                           Alien^PDX                           |
    |                            gkmotu                             |
    |                                                               |
    |                            music:                             |
    |                            raina                              |
    +--+---+                     rebb                            .  | .
    |      :  ___              svenzzon                             | .
    :    __|  : /           estrayk/paradox                         | :
    .    \___.'/            wiseman/paradise                     .  ......
   ___     |                    Kmuland                             : .  :
   \_      |                                                     :  : :..:
    |      :       Release Info ::                               |  :__
    |      .  MilkyPlayer is a music player application for     _:_ __/ _
    |       the Playstation Portable which supports playback of  :  |  /
    |   .  the following module formats:                         .  | /
    |                                                               |/
    |    .669:  669 Composer/Unis669 (PC)                           |
    |    .AMF:  Asylum Music Format ("Crusader"ingame music) (PC)   |
    |    .AMS:  Extreme Tracker and Velvet Studio (PC)              |
    |    .CBA:  Chuck Biscuits+Black Artist module format (PC)      |
    |    .DBM:  DigiBooster Pro (Amiga) (*)                         |
    |    .DIGI: Digibooster 1.0-1.7 (Amiga)                         |
    |    .DSM:  Old DSIK and Dynamic Studio (PC)                    |
    |    .DTM:  DigiTrekker 3.0 (PC) / Digital Tracker (Atari)      |
    |    .FAR:  Farandole Composer (PC)                             |
    |    .GDM:  General Digimusic (PC)                              |
    |    .GMC:  Game Music Creator (Amiga)                          |
    |    .IMF:  Imago Orpheus (PC) (*)                              |
    |    .IT:   Impulse Tracker (PC) (*)                            |
    |    .MDL:  DigiTrakker 1.0-3.0 (PC)                            |
    |    .MOD:  Sound-/ProTracker and variants (Amiga+PC)           |
    |    .MTM:  MultiTracker (PC)                                   |
    |    .MXM:  Cubic Tiny XM (PC)                                  |
    |    .OKT:  Oktalyzer (Amiga)                                   |
    |    .PLM:  DisorderTracker II (PC)                             |
    |    .PSM:  Epic MegaGames MASI (PC)                            |
    |    .PTM:  PolyTracker (PC)                                    |
    |    .S3M:  ScreamTracker 3.0 (PC)                              |
    |    .STM:  ScreamTracker 2.0 (PC)                              |
    |    .ULT:  UltraTracker (PC)                                   |
    |    .UNI:  MikMod (PC)                                         |
    |    .XM:   FastTracker II (PC)                                 |
    |                                                               |
    |  Module formats marked with (*) have certain features which   |
    |  are currently not supported by the replay engine and might   |
    |  cause the module to sound strange or totally wrong.          |
    |                                                               |
    |  As a bonus, MilkyPlayer will also load modules directly out  |
    |  of ZIP files.                                                |
    |                                                               |
    |  Usage:                                                       |
    |                                                               |
    |  The screen is logically divided into 5 pages:                |
    |  . Playlist page and file browser                             |
    |  . General song information                                   |
    |  . Instruments and samples                                    |
    |  . Song message                                               |
    |  . Visualisations                                             |
    |                                                               |
    |  To keep the handling as simple as possible, MilkyPlayer      |
    |  right now only supports a single playlist, which becomes     |
    |  automatically saved upon exit. The playlist is stored in an  |
    |  XML file called "playlist.xml" in the application folder.    |
    |                                                               |
    |  Button Mapping:                                              |
    |                                                               |
    |  When there is no focus on one of the list boxes, you can     |
    |  switch between the pages with the L- and R-Keys of your PSP. |
    |                                                               |
    |  Also, when there is no focus active on a list, the following |
    |  keys will always have the same meaning:                      |
    |  . CIRCLE:  Play/Pause song from play list                    |
    |  . CROSS:   Stop playing                                      |
    |  . LEFT:    Previous song / Rewind (hold)                     |
    |  . RIGHT:   Next song / Fast forward (hold)                   |
    |  . UP/DOWN: Toggle position information                       |
    |  . NOTE:    Config screen                                     |
    |  . START:   Help screen                                       |
    |  . HOME:    Exit MilkyPlayer                                  |
    |                                                               |
    |  The analog pad can be used for LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN also,      |
    |  and btw, the head phone remote is supported as well ;)       |
    |                                                               |
    |  (I) Keys for the playlist page:                              |
    |  . TRIANGLE:  Focus playlist                                  |
    |  . RECTANGLE: Focus file browser                              |
    |  . SELECT:    Toggle playmode (shuffle & single repeat)       |
    |                                                               |
    |  Focus is on file browser:                                    |
    |  . CIRCLE:    Play selected file                              |
    |  . TRIANGLE:  Select file                                     |
    |  . RECTANGLE: Add selected files to playlist                  |
    |  . CROSS:     Reset focus (back to normal mode)               |
    |  . L-Button:  Select all files                                |
    |  . R-Button:  Focus playlist                                  |
    |  . SELECT:    Scan folder recursively for playable files      |
    |                                                               |
    |  Focus is on playlist:                                        |
    |  . CIRCLE:    Start playing at selected item                  |
    |  . TRIANGLE:  Select item                                     |
    |  . RECTANGLE: Delete selected items                           |
    |  . CROSS:     Reset focus (back to normal mode)               |
    |  . L-Button:  Focus file browser                              |
    |  . R-Button:  Select all items                                |
    |  . SELECT:    Toggle movement mode for selected items         |
    |  . START:     Set cursor to current playing item              |
    |                                                               |
    |  (II) Keys for the song information page:                     |
    |  . No special keys available right now.                       |
    |                                                               |
    |  (III) Keys for the instrument page:                          |
    |  . TRIANGLE:  Focus instrument browser                        |
    |  . RECTANGLE: Focus sample browser                            |
    |                                                               |
    |  Focus is on instrument browser:                              |
    |  . CROSS: Reset focus (back to normal mode)                   |
    |                                                               |
    |  Focus is on sample browser:                                  |
    |  . CROSS: Reset focus (back to normal mode)                   |
    |                                                               |
    |  (IV) Keys for the message page:                              |
    |  . TRIANGLE:  Focus message browser                           |
    |  . RECTANGLE: Focus message browser                           |
    |  . SELECT:    Toggle hologram visual                          |
    |                                                               |
    |  Focus is on message browser:                                 |
    |  . CROSS: Reset focus (back to normal mode)                   |
    |                                                               |
    |  (V) Keys for the visuals page:                               |
    |  . SELECT: Toggle visuals                                     |
    |                                                               |
    |  Tested on 3.10OE-A/1.5fw.                                    |
    +--+---+                                                     .  | .
    |      :  ___                                                   | .
    :    __|  : /                                                   | :
    .    \___.'/                                                 .  ......
   ___     |                                                        : .  :
   \_      |                                                     :  : :..:
    |      :       Greetings to ::                               |  :__
    |      .                                                    _:_ __/ _
    |                                                            :  |  /
    |   .                                                        .  | /
    |                                                               |/
    |   All our supporters and friends in the scene, and people     |
    |   from  #titandemo ! EFNET.                                   |
    |   See the scroller in the prod for the greetings list.        |
    |   .                                                           |
    |       A sepecial thanks flys out to TyRaNiD for PSPLINK       | .
    |   :                                                        .  |
    |   :                                                        |  | .
    `.__|  .                                                    _|__|
        |                                                       \_  : :
   ``:: |  :                                                     |  . .
      : `._|                                                     |    ::
     ___  _|_      Contact us ::                                _:_ . :::..
     \_ \.\\\                                                  // /____
         :        .titan@untergrund.net                             __/
         |        .#titandemo EFNET                                 |
      :--+--      .http://titandemo.org                             |____
      |  |        .telnet://entropybbs.net                          :  _/
      |  :                                                          .  |
    __|_ .  .      Titan sponsorize ::                                 :
    \ :  `._.                                                      .:  :
     \.     |     .http://chip-on.com                               :_.'
      |     :     .http://intro-inferno.com                 ___    .:
      `.____|__                                             : /  . .'
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          \_|                                        .'. :....''.::
            |                                      .'.::......:::: .
            :  _ __ ____                          `.`::::::::::'' .
            `.__\\_\\   \_ ASCII DONE BY tRASh\aWD  `.`: .......''
                                                      `. :
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