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Disk Times issue #1 by Universal Coders


                              UNC DISK TIMES v1.0
                             RELEASE DATE 6-01-1992

     Finally it's finished, after 5 months waiting it's here...
     The first issue of UNC DISK TIMES (c) which is supposed
     to be a good magazine for ST users. I know that there's some other
     good magazines for example Disk Maggie and ST News but i think that
     this magazine will be doing fine in near future. This magazine is 
     100 % made with assembler (true coders uses assembler!) and it's done
     only for fun, not for being the best magazine around st-scene.
     This is ofcourse Public Domain software, which means that you can 
     copy it freely to anyone you like. But instead donations, i think that
     you could send me some more articles. All the people who send me articles
     will be allowed at the order list of Disk Times. That means, when we're
     releasing issue 2.0 it'll be send directly to you. ( Only if we got
     a disk and an address ). But if you don't want to send any articles
     but you still want this magazine directly then just send 1 $ and a disk
     and i'll send you a copy of next issue. You will find the address from
     article called 'EDITORIAL OF DISK TIMES'. 

     The mainpoint for starting do this magazine is that, that here in
     Finland there's no any good diskmagazine for enjoyment. Only lame
     'Suomenkieliset Tietosanomat' which is published by Finnish ST Club.
     And that magazine is crap ! So i thinked that Finnish ST users deserve 
     a better magazine and so i did start doing this mag.

     Many thanks to Sammy Joe for many many inspirations. I think that the
     Maggie is the best ! Keep on good work dude !

     Ok, i think that it's time for da credits ->

     Idea & design by         Qwerty of Universal Coders
     All coding by            WizTom of Universal Coders
     Graphics by              Qwerty of Universal Coders, Dr. Hype of Unc
                              and Lancelot of Aggression.
     Music by                 Mad Max of The Exceptions
                              Count Zero of the Electronic Images
                              Betrayer of Paranoia/G.R.C.
                              Teque ( friend of us )
     Most of the texts by     Dr. Hype and Qwerty of Universal Coders

     Have fun when playing with this mag.
     Qwerty/Unc, main editor of UNC DISK TIMES (c)

     Just a few words before u're off to enjoy this product..
     I (WizTom/UNC/Armada) think this is one of the best maggie softwares
     around, coz it features:
        - 12 kHz protracker replay routine (4 modules)
        - 6 Digidrum mad max music (if u change tune in wings of death it 
            doesn't reload the file again!
        - 5 Count zero tunes 
        - In all, 15 different music tunes (more then any maggie)
        - 50/60 hz Text displayer that doesn't disturb music speed! 
          (10% faster blipp blopp is somewhat disturbed..)
        - 50/60 hz text scrolling (hardware)
     I'm sorry that the text scroller flickers a bit in upper and lower
     borders while scrolling, but this is coz i use only one screen (physic).
     Theres no free memory for 2 screens in 520 coz this magazine program
     uses 420 kb of free ram when maxium lenght of module is about 160 kb.
     For the same reason the modules by Teque/Armada are not his best one,
     they are the shortest ones (good tunes takes over 200 kb, coz he uses
     huge amount of long samples). 
     The Atomic packer is really a wonderpacker.. the mainmenu took 180 kb
     of disk space when unpacked until Atomic 3.3 finally crunched it to
     minimal 22 kb!! (and that 180 kb was full of code and gfafix)
     That's packing.. 
     Issue 2 will include the usual intros (the ones this issue is missing
     coz there's no free space on disk!)
     There may be (is) various bugs in main menu and replayroutines
     coz it's not fully tested even on my 1040STFM. If u find any or 
     u have any suggestions how to make this maggie better please inform us.
                                       WizTom of UNC
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